
How do I deal with a micromanaging boss?

My boss is a micromanager, constantly checking in on the status of projects she has given me. It takes up so much time I can’t be productive. How do I tell her to let me get on with my work?

More tactfully than that.

There are two possible scenarios — your boss is a micromanager, or she doesn’t trust you to manage timelines and deliverables.

If it is the former, that’s a hard habit to break because people like that are typically wired that way.

Try explaining that the amount of time you have to prepare and respond to constant check-ins is making you less productive.

Try to come up with a reasonable cadence for updates that isn’t too burdensome for you but keeps her feeling up to speed.

If she has reason not to trust you to manage the project more autonomously, well, that’s a performance matter.

Ask for an opportunity to re-earn her trust.

I’m calling BS on your advice that said a manager has to change the casual way he addresses the staff with “hey, guys” because one of the employees doesn’t identify that way and is so sensitive as to be offended. How about we stop bending a knee to every snowflake, and instead tell them if they don’t like it, there’s the door?

Be careful — that door may be a swinging one and with that attitude it could hit you hard before ushering you out.

However, I have received a lot of feedback expressing similar frustration from managers.

I understand. I do think that there are some “microaggressions” that are a bit too precious and thin-skinned, and I do think that some employers sometimes go too far in trying to cater to every individual.

That said, I don’t think this is one of those circumstances.

What if a manager instead addressed his team as “hey girls” or “hey [fill-in-the-blank with something more provocative.]”

This isn’t a locker room, and you aren’t out with your buddies where the norms may be different and accepted.

This is work — a professional environment, and no matter how close you may feel to your team it’s a basic common courtesy to address people in a respectful way.

Got it, buddy?

Gregory Giangrande has over 25 years of experience as a chief human resources executive. Hear Greg Wed. at 9:35 a.m. on iHeartRadio 710 WOR with Len Berman and Michael Riedel. Email: Follow: and on Twitter: @GregGiangrande