
To end impeachment inquiry, Joe, just share your bank records

President Biden has an easy way to completely derail the GOP impeachment inquiry if, as he insists, there’s really absolutely nothing there: Just hand over your bank records, sir, and those of Hunter and his shell companies.

Seeing those records is the central reason Speaker Kevin McCarthy upgraded House investigations to such an inquiry, now that they’ve established such hard facts as:

  • As veep, Joe met with Hunter’s “biz” associates at least 16 times, amid more than 80 White House visits. That includes Joe dining with Burisma exec Vadym Pozharsky at DC’s posh Cafe Milano.
  • Hunter’s then-partner Devon Archer says the now-first son put then-VP Joe on speakerphone at least two dozen times amid meetings with overseas clients.
  • Bank records show over $20 million flowing from foreign interests via a web of shell companies to various Bidens.
  • Available evidence suggests that Joe’s blackmailing of the Ukrainian government to fire the prosecutor targeting Burisma was not based on Obama administration policy, but did follow a meeting where Burisma bigwigs demanded Hunter get the pressure reduced.
  • Emails, texts, photos and many firsthand accounts further outline blatantly apparent influence-peddling.

Once upon a time, our president insisted he “never spoke” to his son about his foreign business deals. Later, the claim became that he “was never in business” with Hunter, and/or that these meetings only involved discussing the weather.

More recently, Biden’s defenders shifted first to assert that there’s “no evidence” of Joe’s involvement — and now to insisting there’s “no direct evidence.”

President Joe Biden.
House Speaker Kevin McCarthy launched an impeachment inquiry Tuesday into President Biden, using congressional power to acquire documents and testimony about Biden’s role in his family’s foreign business dealings. AP

Meanwhile, top White House aide Ian Sams is urging the press to treat all the evidence as “debunked” simply because Sims and other Biden staff have issued statements claiming it doesn’t mean anything.

Pretty soon now, the Biden defense will have to fall back on “no smoking gun” — since that’s all that’s really missing here.

If the president really has nothing to hide, he should stop hiding it.