David Wells rips Alex Rodriguez for snitching on PED users: ‘Nobody likes a rat’

David Wells and New York City’s newest czar have something in common.

Neither one likes a rat. 

So when the former Yankees pitcher learned live on the air during Thursday’s episode of “Foul Territory” that Alex Rodriguez had reportedly ratted out some of his steroid-using baseball colleagues, Wells had a message for Rodriguez. 

“That’s not good. That will come back to bite you in the ass tenfold,” Wells said during the show. “Nobody likes a rat. You always lie your way out of everything until you get caught and then you got to come clean.” 

A bombshell report from ESPN on Wednesday provided new details about a January 2014 meeting Rodriguez had with federal investigators, during which he gave up the names of several other MLB players who were working with Biogenesis founder Anthony Bosch to get performance-enhancing drugs. 

Alex Rodriguez reportedly gave up names of steroid users to federal investigators. AP

After the “Foul Territory” hosts explained to Wells what was contained in the World Wide Leader’s report, the 21-year veteran hurler compared it to things admitted steroid-user Jose Canseco did. 

Canseco came out with books in 2005 and 2008, naming alleged steroid users.

In the latter book, “Vindicated,” Canseco even claimed he introduced Rodriguez to a steroid supplier.

“That’s kind of allegedly what Canseco did when he wasn’t getting all the recognition and then he started dropping names and all that — allegedly,” Wells said. 

Wells didn’t seem too fond of the fact that players had used the drugs — though he jokingly said he wished he would have taken steroids during his career.

David Wells said on “Foul Territory” that he’s a “code guy.”

“I would have had a better body, and who knows what the hell would have happened,” the former MLB pitcher said in jest. 

But when Wells got a bit more serious, he acknowledged that PEDs gave players an unfair advantage. 

“Steroids is a different subject because that does enhance you. That does make you stronger,” he said. “But for the guys that were injured and it was under a doctor’s supervision I don’t think I’d have a problem with it.

“All the guys that did it and were lying about it saying they never did it, you know they did it. But it’s like, what the hell? I’m a code guy, I won’t throw anybody under the bus. 

“You just live and learn with it and I know what I did in my career, so I’m alright with it.” 

Wells, who had two separate stints with the Yankees, was back in The Bronx last weekend for Old-Timers’ Day at Yankee Stadium and was outspoken in his feelings on “woke” culture, specifically targeting Nike and Bud Light.  

David Wells when Yankees alumni were introduced and took the field at the 75th edition of Old-Timers’ Day. Robert Sabo for NY Post

He even went as far as to put a piece of tape of the Nike logo on his jersey.