Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams


America has always had crazy politicians — even before Joe Biden

Political outlaws & heroes

So how did our early day political parties begin?

There was division between Free Soilers, who opposed slavery, and Copperheads, who wanted early peace with the Confederates.

William Cullen Bryant — editor-in-chief and NY Post part-owner — supported Andrew Jackson, who became first president of the Donkeycrat Party.

Republican Party got organized by disaffected Whigs, plus Bryant — buried in Roslyn, LI — who launched Abraham Lincoln by famously introducing him at Cooper Union.

Stuff on American Marxism recalls Samuel Adams (John’s cousin) saying how a “country loses its virtue.”

Patriot Samuel, who resented being called Sam, signed the Declaration of Independence. Unfortunately today he’s only a beer.

Of course, America’s had its louses.

Our 1800s train robbing days got us such dudes as Jesse James and his brother Frank.

Our classier Dodge City era brought movie star cowboy heroes such as Clint Eastwood, John Wayne, Gary Cooper and Randolph Scott busting into the OK Corral — or whateverthehell it was called — to save us.

But before, excuse the expression, Watergate — the worst financial bog in the history of our United States of praise-the-Lord America — was in the 1920s.

Its misery? The Teapot Dome scandal. Bribery. It involved the administration of then-President Warren Harding, who grabbed election off the wings of his rose-colored slogan “Back to normalcy.”

There were bribes, investigations, lies, scandal, discovery, civil and criminal suits. Even our Supreme Court stuck its robes in.

Comes now Joe Barfden and that son of his, who just possibly may have accidentally left his bag of goodies in the White House.

He should be more careful. Listen, who knows, could maybe be dishonest people there.

President Warren Harding's administration was hit with the Teapot Dome Scandal in the 1920s.
President Warren Harding’s administration was hit with the Teapot Dome Scandal in the 1920s. Alamy Stock Photo

But we cannot fault Joe Biden because, after all, he’s standing on his record.

Mostly so nobody can investigate it.

Florida needs a favor

With Florida’s super-high inflation rate, locals can’t get mortgages. It requires home owner insurance and those companies have split Florida.

Rich folk don’t need mortgages. And fighting over diminished housing drives up costs making the state even less affordable.

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaking at. news conference in Perry, Florida after the state was hit by Hurricane Idalia on August 30, 2023.
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaking at a news conference in Perry, Florida after the state was hit by Hurricane Idalia on August 30, 2023. AP Photo/John Raoux

Those bunking in the alligator state now pray that either the place is light on hurricanes right now — or that somehow DeSantis gets lost in the next greatest most sensational scandal in the history of American politics.

It could be worse

We’re into our holiday weekend.

With New York’s problems — high taxes, low maintenance, thieves, killers, robbers, stores closing, shoplifting, high rents, joblessness, rats and mice and people not nice — let us all be grateful we live here.

And not in San Francisco.

Thanks, I think

Also, a flick of gratitude to the stumbling, bumbling, tumbling bones we have sleeping (even daytime) in the White House.

Gratitude for that straightforward way he dodges all the issues.

Someday he might be remembered as a favorite son.

And someday that might become the greatest unfinished sentence in history.

Have a great weekend. Love our country. See you again Tuesday.