
Trump’s mug shot: Letters to the Editor — Aug. 28, 2023

The Issue: The release of former President Donald Trump’s mugshot after he was processed on charges in Georgia.

Thursday was booking day for former President Donald Trump — with Fulton County Georgia sheriff Pat Labat acting in an egregious manner (“Orange is the new black!” Aug. 25).

He earlier asserted that Trump would be treated as any other individual subject during this process. This guy is trying to get face time in the national media.

Trump is the 45th president of the United States. He should never have been treated as any common criminal during the booking process, including getting a mug shot taken.

Trump should have been treated with the dignity associated with the office which he once occupied as president of the United States, and that means differently and preferentially.

Earl Beal

Terre Haute, Ind.

I can guarantee that if former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, former Presidents Barack Obama or Bill Clinton, President Biden or any other prominent Democrat did the exact same things that Trump has done, none of these prosecutors would be bringing cases against them.

That is proof that justice is not being applied equally. If you cannot see that, you are either being disingenuous or you are naive.

Pete Massaro

The Villages, Fla.

The relentless persecution and pending prosecutions of Trump by some arms of the proverbial swamp — including political pundits and “fake news” media — has the potential to be similar to the Biblical story in the book of Esther of Haman and Mordecai.

It is recorded that Haman was hanged on the gallows that he had commanded, to be built for Mordecai, whom he had hated. We await the outcome.

Michael Headley


Trump's mugshot
Post readers are reacting to President Trump’s mugshot. via REUTERS

Gotta love Trump. He put his mug shot on everything from shirts to coffee mugs and is selling them online to finance his run.

Brilliant! Making lemonade out of lemons. The Democrats must be pulling their hair out in frustration.

To boot, his polling numbers are great. It looks like the Democrats and their sham set-ups may be the best thing that happened to him.

Storm Destro

Bayonne, NJ

First, we had Edvard Munch’s “The Scream,” a comment on the human condition, and now we have Trump’s “The Snarl” — a comment on the political system.

Munch’s work was the result of a panic attack. Is Trump’s also the result of a panic attack?

Munch’s work also contains an almost hidden message: “Can only have been painted by a madman.” But will people see a similar message in Trump’s carefully staged photo?

This standard mug shot will appear in every paper, on every TV news discussion and is almost certain to be the subject of numerous memes and, like “The Scream,” it will be available on shirts.

What will the televised trial be: a complete media circus or the careful discussion of a legal matter? I already know the answer.

Dennis Fitzgerald

Melbourne, Australia

The Post headline “Orange is the new black” on the article about Trump’s charges is very inappropriate.

The picture on your front page does not seem to me to be of a glowering former president, but reminds me of Uncle Sam, during World War II, who looked at viewers with just the same expression and said “I need you.”

Trump appears to be saying to Americans that he needs them in order to get back in the White House and clean up the mess that Biden and the Democrats have left us and to end the system of two-tiered justice.

I don’t believe there is anyone else that can accomplish this, and it would behoove the anti-Trumpers to consider how it was when he was president and how he will bring that back in 2025.

Richard Ketay

Newark, NJ

Trumpty Dumpty sat on a wall. Trumpty Dumpty had a great fall .

All of his lawyers and all his “yes men” couldn’t put Trumpty together again.

Robert Berger

New Rochelle

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy, and style.