Weird But True

Restaurant blasted for serving up chocolate dessert — in a toilet

Apparently this tourist dining destination never heard the old idiom about not s – – tting where you eat.

A restaurant in Israel has stirred up a crapstorm online after serving brown ice cream in a toilet-themed vessel, as seen in a viral video eliciting gags across TikTok.

In the retch-worthy clip — filmed at a restaurant called Gordos in Holon, south of Tel Aviv, Israel — a server can be seen bringing a porcelain-throne-shaped dish to a table of diners.

He then lifts up the commode lid to reveal chocolate ice cream (or perhaps dulce doo leche?) splattered about the bowl — like the messy aftermath of a gastrointestinal episode.

The diners, unperturbed by the ice cream’s excremental cosplay, eagerly jab their spoons in and lick the toilet bowl clean while laughing.

No word as to whether they were able to use said vessel to relieve themselves following the meal.

Diners eagerly behold the feces-themed treat. Pakistan outlet Samaa took offense over the dessert’s name, “Third House of S – – t,” which they felt alluded to “the revered concept of the Third Temple in Jewish tradition.” Jam Press Vid/@gordos_restaurant

The inspiration behind the crapp-etizer also seems unclear.

Perhaps it was a Dada-esque commentary on the future of dining, in that everything inevitably ends up in the toilet (an edible version of artist Marcel Duchamp’s 1917 opus “Fountain” — an upside-down urinal — comes to mind).

Viewers had a hard time stomaching the fecal-themed treat with one horrified commenter writing, “And people eat this s – – t?”

“As a regular customer of yours, honestly this time I was shocked,” said another of the parter pooper of the day.

“Damn, the concept looks very disturbing,” criticized a third.

Another viewer labeled the poop-sicle as “the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen.”

“People eat this s – – t?” wondered one disbelieving commenter. Jam Press Vid/@gordos_restaurant

And it wasn’t just the sorbet’s scatological resemblance that put people off.

Pakistan outlet Samaa took offense over the dessert’s name, “Third House of S – – t,” which they felt alluded to “the revered concept of the Third Temple in Jewish tradition.”

“The hypothetical Third Temple is a subject of profound religious significance to many, making the dessert’s name a point of contention,” the outlet wrote of the supposedly snack-religious connotation.

“Critics argue that the use of such a name for a dessert can be interpreted as a lack of respect for religious beliefs held by a significant portion of the country’s population.”

Of course, this isn’t the first restaurant to model its dishes after detritus.

A muscular server brings the weighty toilet bowl treat to customers. Jam Press Vid/@gordos_restaurant
A close-up of the crap-petizing dessert. Jam Press Vid/@gordos_restaurant

This gastrointestinal gimmick has been a fixture across the globe for some time now.

Taiwan scat cafe chain Modern Toilet, which this author had the privilege of trying in Shanghai some years back, was famous for serving doo-inspired delicacies from Golden Poop (brown curry) to Constipation (noodles with soybean paste), all of which came in toilet-themed vessels.

Fortunately, as of yet, fountain drinks aren’t being served out of bidets.