
Keystone Kop border antics can’t hide Joe Biden’s migrant-crisis guilt

Given the neverending migrant crisis punishing America, it’s no shock that the agencies tasked with protecting our border are behaving like a bunch of Keystone Kops.

After revealing that floodgates in Arizona’s border wall had literally been welded open, enabling illegal crossings, The Post reached out to Customs and Border Protection for answers. 

CPB pointed a finger at the US International Boundary and Water Commission. 

But the Commission said nothing doing, pointing the finger right back. 

At last, the Border Patrol admitted it was responsible, telling The Post: “USBP makes the final decision on opening gates based on operational conditions and forecasted weather.” 

And parent agency CBP also tried to weasel on that theme, saying the gates have been opened to help prevent flooding: Arizona’s in monsoon season, and floods can “stress or compromise the design integrity of the barrier.”

Uh, then why have 114 gates been welded open permanently?

That ain’t seasonal. 

President Joe Biden
Border Patrol admitted it was responsible, telling The Post: “USBP makes the final decision on opening gates based on operational conditions and forecasted weather.” AP

Oh, yeah! So that about 1,400 migrants per day can just walk into our country, as part of Team Biden’s attempt to erase our southern border.

The inflows have made Tucson hot spot No. 1 for crossers, with 42,561 attempting in July alone (a near 56% rise over June). 

Talk about compromising the integrity of the barrier.

Look, it’s plain that the open gates reflect policy at the uppermost levels of the administration. 

They’re in line with everything else Biden has done since Day One on the issue.

Monsoon gates in the border wall near Lukeville, Arizona
Parent agency CBP addressed the theme claiming the gates weren’t shut in order to prevent flooding as Arizona’s in monsoon season, and floods can “stress or compromise the design integrity of the barrier.” James Breeden/Shutterstock for NY Post

Including halting construction of the border wall — and now selling off pieces of it.

So let federal agencies play Hot Potato as migrants crush Tucson, El Paso and even New York.

It would be comical, if it weren’t in service of enabling what’s shaping up one of the great humanitarian catastrophes of our time. 

And it can in no way conceal the president’s guilt here.