
82% of NYers call migrant influx a serious problem, 58% want to stop the flow: poll

A whopping 82% of New York voters said the unrelenting influx of migrants to the state is a serious problem — and a strong majority now say it’s time to “slow the flow”, a new poll released Tuesday revealed.

“New Yorkers – including huge majorities of Democrats, Republicans, independents, upstaters and down-staters – overwhelmingly say that the recent influx of migrants to New York is a serious problem for the state,” said Siena College pollster Steven Greenberg.

The Siena College survey found that 82% of voters said the surge of migrants to the Big Apple and the rest of the Empire State is a serious problem — with 54% of respondents saying it’s a “very serious” problem.

Only 16% of voters said it wasn’t a serious problem.

New York City and the Empire State have long backed sanctuary policies to aid asylum seekers and other undocumented immigrants who came here illegally looking for better opportunities.

But voters are losing their patience and getting fed up, feeling the massive influx of migrants crossing the southern border and arriving here is putting a strain on New York’s social service network for residents, including schools.

More than 100,000 migrants have passed through New York City, and 57,000 currently receive assistance or shelter, according to Mayor Eric Adams.

Migrants arriving at the newly built tent shelters on Randall’s Island on August 20, 2023. Stephen Yang for the New York Post

Voters were given two statements from which to choose: “Should New Yorkers accept new migrants and work to assimilate them into New York” or “New Yorkers have already done enough for new migrants and should now work to slow the flow of migrants to New York.” 

In a landslide, 58% of voters said New Yorkers have done enough and it’s time to restrict migration, while only 36% of respondents said the state should accept more asylum seekers and help them assimilate.

Nearly 80% of Republicans and 60% of self-described independents said it’s time to curb the flow while Democrats were split between helping more immigrants and clamping down on arrivals.

A worker laying out pillows for the cots in the migrant “Tent City” on Randall’s Island before it opened. Matthew McDermott

Voters were also asked: “Turning to the issue of migrants coming to New York. Looking back over the past 20 years or so, do you think that migrants resettling in New York has been more of a benefit, or more of a burden to the state?

The result was stunning: a plurality of voters — 46% — said migration has been more of a burden, while only 32% of respondents said it was more of a benefit.

Sixty-seven percent of Republicans and black voters — by a 2-to-1 margin — said immigration has been more of a burden than a benefit.

A sign protesting the migrant shelter at the Midland Beach Senior Citizens Center on Staten Island. Kevin C. Downs for NY Post

Voters were also asked if they support or oppose relocating new migrants from temporary living conditions in New York City to more permanent housing in communities around the state. 

Nearly two-thirds of New York City voters supported the relocation, while there was more opposition than support in the suburbs and upstate.

Many upstate and suburbanites and their elected officials have unleashed a fury of opposition to busing migrants from New York City to hotels in their communities.

Voters also gave Democrats President Biden, Gov. Kathy Hochul and Big Apple Mayor Eric Adams poor grades for their handling of the migrant influx.

Migrants entering the new shelter at the Creedmoor Psychiatric Center in Queens on August 16, 2023. Matthew McDermott

Republicans told The Post they plan to hold them and other Democratic candidates accountable for the mess in upcoming campaigns.

A strong majority — 59% of respondents — flunked Biden’s handling of the crisis while only 31% of voters approved of his performance.

Similarly, 51% of voters gave thumbs down to Hochul’s handling of the influx, compared to 35% who  approved, while 47% disapproved of Adams’ performance compared to 31% who approved.

Biden’s overall popularity is underwater for the first time in New York, the poll found.

“For the first time in a Siena College poll, more New Yorkers now view Biden unfavorably, 50%, than view him favorably, 46%,” polling director Greenberg said.

“Biden continues to lead [Donald]Trump in New York but by only 13 points, 47% to-34%, down from a 22-point lead in June.”

Even in heavily blue New York, only 47% of Democrats want to see Biden as their party’s nominee next year while 46% of voters prefer another Democrat.

Meanwhile, only 40% of voters viewed Hochul favorably, her lowest popularity in Siena surveys since she replaced Andrew Cuomo as governor.

Her job approval rating also has dropped, with 46% of voters approving and 46% disapproving.

“Hochul’s job approval rating has fallen in five consecutive Siena College polls,” Greenber said.

“Voters approve of the job Hochul is doing to address climate change 46-39%, but they are
break even on her managing of the state’s finances and increasing affordable housing. A majority of voters disapprove of how she’s addressing both crime and the recent influx of migrants,” he said.

The Siena College Poll was conducted August 13-16, 2023, among 803 registered voters in New York State. It has an overall margin of error of plus or minus 4.4 percentage points.