
Pentagon’s sick 9/11 betrayal: Letters to the Editor — Aug. 22, 2023

The Issue: A potential deal that would remove the possibility of the death penalty for 9/11 orchestrators.

I lost my brother, FDNY Lt. Glenn Perry, on 9/11 (“KSM Must Face Death,” Editorial, Aug 18).

It’s a travesty that the mass murderer who masterminded this attack, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, is still alive, and it’s more of a travesty that he may not get the well-deserved death penalty.

But what would you expect from gutless President Biden’s Pentagon’s Office of the Chief Prosecutor?

The office sent letters to 9/11 victims’ families to get opinions regarding a possible bargain, which may take the death penalty off the table.

But these officials really don’t care. They just want the case closed.

If they cannot get KSM the death penalty after he murdered 3,000 innocent victims, they are as useless as Biden himself.

Although the tragic event occurred 23 years ago, it seems like yesterday. And yesterday is when KSM should have taken his last breath.

Frank Perry

Morristown, NJ

No negotiation with terrorists — again.

As a 9/11 family member, I was at Guantanamo for pre-trial hearings in 2016.

The Marxist Armed Forces of National Liberation for Puerto Rico (FALN) terrorists — who murdered my father, Frank Connor — were granted clemency by the Clinton administration in 1999 for pure politics.

We are moving in that same direction now. Leftists will justify KSM and the others’ release with the same disgusting recitation as they did during the FALN clemencies — that these terrorists never killed anyone. If they were on the planes, they would be dead.

As I said at Eric Holder’s 2009 Senate confirmation hearing, any government that would release terrorists for politics would do anything.

Joe Connor

Glen Rock, NJ

The Justice and Defense Departments reportedly reached out to 9/11 families about the potential plea deal.
The Justice and Defense Departments reportedly reached out to 9/11 families about the potential plea deal. Photo by Robert Giroux/Getty Images

The fact that the cretins who planned and coordinated the 9/11 murders are still alive and well in US custody is a travesty.

They effectively signed off on their own death warrants when they launched these attacks. By even entertaining the thought of proposing a plea deal, this administration, once again, demonstrates its cluelessness and ineptitude.

Peter Kelly, Hazlet, NJ

Last week, the 9/11 families received letters from the FBI and the Department of Defense, Office of the Chief Prosecutor, letting us know negotiations are under way to basically let Khalid Sheik Mohammed, the architect of the 9/11 attacks, and his four main cohorts off the hook.

On the morning of Sept. 11, 2001, when we watched in shock and horror as the planes — jetliners full of men, women and children — flew directly into the towers of the World Trade Center and burst into massive balls of flames, would anyone had ever believed that we would ever be “negotiating” with the people who did this? “Never forget”? Well, we’ve forgotten.

When you do what KSM and the rest did, you’ve earned death. Anything else would be an injustice, an offense to the memory of those brutally taken that day and an invite for further attacks from the next group of loco fanatics.

Michael Burke

The Bronx

I could not be more disgusted by this administration, which is reportedly considering offering to offer a plea deal to 9/11 terrorists who murdered 3,000 people in this country.

I am without words. I understand that most people in this country never knew anyone who died on 9/11.

The people in charge of this country are destroying it. Rest in peace, all 9/11 victims. Survivors, families, friends — your president doesn’t care about you and thinks time heals old wounds.

Glenn Stevenson

Staten Island

I read about how the government is trying to broker a deal that would take the death penalty off the table for the 9/11 terrorists. I find it tremendously sickening that such a deal can even be discussed.

We lost nearly 3,000 innocent people to these ugly human beings, and we should strike a deal with them?

Really? How do you suppose the families of these victims feel about this?

Lou Bivona

Belleville, NJ

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