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Man buys $400K Ferrari only for it to catch fire, burn to a crisp in minutes

Cody Detwiler, who has almost 6 million subscribers on YouTube, was caught in a horrifying life-threatening experience when, in just minutes, his brand new luxury car and rental van caught fire — destroying both vehicles.

“I regret to inform everyone that my $400,000 Ferrari F8 and rental minivan with only 5,000 miles on it [have] recently burned down to a pile of ash,” Detwiler, 25, noted in the caption in the video.

“This was a complete accident and I originally intended on filming so many more things with the car, but this was a great lesson to do even more crazy things before your car catches on fire. Tis But A Scratch! We will be back Ferrari…”

The video begins by showing Detwiler, in Waco, Texas, showing off his new car — burning rubber and speeding through an empty corn field surrounded by dry grass.

Suddenly, his right tire is seen catching on fire. Detwiler’s friends in the van scream at him, while in the driver’s seat, that his car is on fire and he comes to a halt.

Attempts to stop the flames were immediately thwarted as they spread in seconds, catching onto the nearby van as well.

“We are off road, we were going into a cornfield the vehicles are on fire, we need a fire department immediately,” one of Detwiler’s friends can be heard saying on the phone to cops.

The Ferrari’s back right tire caught fire. YouTube/WhistlinDiesel
The fire quickly spread to the second vehicle — the mini van. YouTube/WhistlinDiesel

In a matter of all but 5 minutes, both vehicles had burned to a crisp, leaving nothing but a few auto parts behind.

“I don’t care about the cars, it’s fine.” Detwiler said. “Just keep it from spreading onto the field.”

“Do I even have insurance on this car?” Detwiler can be heard asking his friend. “I think if I do, it’s like the most minimal — like we’ll pay for other people’s damage. I don’t have full coverage on anything. They won’t give it to me.”

“They’re like, ‘he’s gonna cause an accident, burn the car down,'” he quipped.

In minutes, after an attempt to water down the fire, it quickly consumed both cars. YouTube/WhistlinDiesel
Cody Detwiler said he did not have full coverage because insurance companies would not give it to him. YouTube/WhistlinDiesel

“Yeah, that’s what happened. The insurance companies were right,” his friend replied.

The carbon ceramics and the brand new $8,000 titanium exhaust seem to be the only salvageable parts, Detwiler noticed after assessing the damage.

“It was a total loss.” Detwiler said. “We f–ked up.”

Despite some fans commenting that Detwiler set up the whole thing and intentionally caused the fire for views, he says this was very much an accident.

In about 5 minutes the $400,000 car was completely gone and burned to a crisp. YouTube/WhistlinDiesel
Police and the fire department were called to help contain the blaze. YouTube/WhistlinDiesel

“No this wasn’t staged. Anyone that can read human body language can tell this was real,” Detwiler said in a statement. “Why would I also burn up a RENTAL van with all of our stuff inside? My shoes, headphones, sunglasses, sentimental Polaroid photos, tools, spare wheels and tires, and cameraman’s gear also burnt. Sure I make money destroying things, but I don’t lie. Not everything is a conspiracy.”

With a net worth of about $5 million, Detwiler revealed that he was not concerned that the car burned and that he would replace it with another Ferrari.

The clip has already racked up over 5 million views since it was uploaded online on Aug. 18.