
Wallaby rescued by cops after man spotted carrying animal on Coney Island Boardwalk

A wallaby was rescued by authorities after officers spotted a young man carrying the animal while walking along the Coney Island Boardwalk Saturday evening, according to police.

The furry creature was found snug in a soft bag at the popular Brooklyn beach destination around 5:10 p.m., cops said.

The wallaby was saved Saturday evening. @NYPDnews/Twitter
The animal was brought to the Animal Care Centers of NYC. @NYPDnews/Twitter

Officers began searching for the wallaby after a 911 call came in about a man holding one.

The 22-year-old man holding the wallaby was given a ticket for possession of a wild animal, police said.

The wallaby, which is a member of the kangaroo clan, was taken by officers and brought to Animal Care Centers of New York City.

The rescue operation on Saturday came days after a man was spotted in Washington Square Park walking around with a similar-looking animal, according to photos captured by The Post.

A man was also spotted with a wallaby last week. It’s unclear if it was the same person and animal. David H Castillo for NY Post

It was not immediately clear if it was the same wallaby, though the bag the small animal was in Thursday that was photographed by The Post appears to be the same bag from a photo posted on social media by the NYPD this weekend.

Wild animals like wallabies are prohibited from being owned by people in the Big Apple unless they are at a vet, zoo or aquarium, lab or other sort of animal exhibit, according to the city’s health code.