Sex & Relationships

My boyfriend constantly fart shames me — says I should act ‘like a lady’

Love stinks — and this romance is getting off to a bad fart

For cutting the cheese whenever she pleases, a woman’s yearslong relationship with her live-in lover is now on the brink of disaster.

However, the gassy gal feels her penchant for letting one rip shouldn’t be the issue that rips them apart — and the online masses are split on whether or not to take her (back)side.

“I, a [24-year-old female] have been with my partner, a [30-year-old male] for almost two years, and we just moved in together about four months ago,” wrote the anonymous tooter in a desperate plea for help to Reddit’s “Am I the A – – hole?” (AITA) community thread. 

Her burning question has ignited a big stink in the now-viral thread, which has racked up thousands of comments in less than 24 hours.

“Lately, he’s been getting really frustarted with me because he says I fart too much at home and it’s disgusts him,” continued the flatulating fox to an audience of over 9.9 million readers. “I tend to fart a few times at night, and he gets super grumpy, and has accused me of doing it on purpose (I’m not).”

“He says I ‘don’t need to push it out,’” added the bomb-dropping bombshell. 

An anonymous Reddit user in the “Am I the A – – hole” thread claims she and her new live-in boyfriend are at odds due to her constant farting. “It’s natural. The human body does human body things. He’s a 30-year-old adult. He needs to mature and get over it,” one pro-pooter declared in her defense. NYPost Composite

The trumpets of war recently resounded throughout the lovebirds’ shared nest when she “accidentally” passed gas in their kitchen, per the windy woman’s post. The impromptu bottom burp sent her frustrated honey spiraling, prompting him to instruct her to “be more like a lady.”

But she thumbed her nose at his note on femininity.

“I am extremely fed up with him treating me like what I’m doing is unnatural,” she moaned. “I feel like I should be able to fart in my own home without judgement.”

Standing up for her right to roar from the rear, the woman said, “I told him I was sick and tired of his attitude and acting like I’m some sort of freak for doing something that everyone does.”

“We’re now currently in separate rooms not speaking because of the fight,” she added before asking, “Am I crazy for thinking farting is normal? AITA?”

Meanwhile, cyber supporters rushed to stand in solidarity with the serial stinker. 

The woman rebuffed her boyfriend’s criticism, saying that she’s “fed up” with his constant nagging over her gas. Getty Images

“It’s natural. The human body does human body things. He’s a 30-year-old adult. He needs to mature and get over it,” wrote one pro-pooter in the woman’s defense. 

“I have farted during sex with my husband and he literally does not give a damn, another gas advocate wrote. “[You’re not the a- -hole]. Seriously consider if you wanna be with someone this immature.”

“The comment about you needing to be more ladylike makes it clear that he’s a misogynist,” added an equally encouraging backer. “Dump him. He will just find more things to shame you for.”

And her virtual allies may have been right to applaud her rampant rousing. 

In her confessional post, the woman claimed that she and her boyfriend recently had a huge fight after she farted in their kitchen “on accident.” Getty Images
Reddit users agreed that the woman should feel free to fart in peace. Getty Images/iStockphoto

At the top of the year, a married woman found herself in a similarly foul predicament when her husband refused to forgive her for farting in front of him. 

In March, Brazilian singer Viviane de Queiroz Pereira revealed to her over 15 million digital fans that she had to be hospitalized after months of holding in her hot ones during quality time with her significant other. 

And in April, a fart-bashful girlfriend named Cara Clarke, 19, from Ireland, was forced to undergo an emergency appendectomy after ruining her organs by failing to fire off an air biscuit around her boyfriend. Her harrowing tale scored over 2.4 million TikTok views. 

After going under the knife, the freshly cut Gen Z urged other girls online to: “Get farting.”