
‘Cold-hearted’ note left on distressed mother’s car at hospital

A mother has was left enraged after finding a “cold-hearted” note on her car during a trip to the emergency room with her son.

The woman and her husband rushed to a hospital after their son had suffered a possible hairline fracture while playing sport, with her husband left to park the car as she rushed inside.

“Hey rude b—,” the note, which she found after being in the emergency room for 30 minutes, read.

The rude note was left on the mother's car after she parked to rush her son to the emergency room.
The rude note was left on the mother’s car after she parked to rush her son to the emergency room. Facebook

“You will notice the sign says ‘reverse parking’ I was about to reverse park and you snuck in – and then had the nerve to obfuscate. Dirty window? You don’t even make sense.

“I note you didn’t reverse park.”

The mom shared the note to a community Facebook page, where it was spotted by radio station 4MK.

The furious mother took to the social media platform to vent over the note, which she labeled “cold-hearted,” telling the mystery author to “pull their head in.”

“The way my husband parked was the last thing on his mind when seeking emergency medical attention for our child. As I imagine is the same for literally every other car in here who has reversed parked. (Note all the empty spots too, we’ve only been here for 30 minutes),” the woman wrote, Yahoo News reported.

She noted it was odd the grumpy vehicle owner assumed the driver was a woman, and said they should have confronted them to their face.

“You’re clearly just a cold-hearted coward. Maybe next time consider the circumstances, you very well may have left this note on the car of someone whose family member is passing away. Have some bloody empathy – it’s not hard.” she said.

The post was later removed from the original Facebook page but social media had already weighed in on the matter.

“They not long ago changed to reverse parking, I’ve been caught out myself. I think in an emergency does it really matter!!! Whoever wrote this, get a life,” one social media user said.

Another said: “Sure, the note isn’t nice, but nor was stealing the parking spot … [the woman] had an emergency, but that doesn’t automatically make them right.”

“Couldn’t have been in too much of a hurry if there was time to write a note,” another social media user said.

Another social media user commented: “I feel sorry for the writer, must be in a bad way to let that get to them that badly.”

One more said: “Says a lot about the author to take the time to write a hateful note in front of a HOSPITAL. Takes nothing to have patience, breathe and be kind, no matter what you are going through yourself.”