
Garland’s shady choice: Letters to the Editor — Aug. 14, 2023

The Issue: AG Merrick Garland’s choice of David Weiss as special counsel for the Hunter Biden probe.

Merrick Garland insults the intelligence of the American people (“Garland names special counsel for Hunter Biden case — but GOP cries ‘whitewash,’ ” Aug. 11)

Appointing US Attorney David Weiss to be special counsel in the Biden case smacks of another fix. Weiss approved a very unfair plea deal for Hunter Biden, which thank goodness was stopped by a responsible judge.

They are so brazen with flaunting the law. It seems impossible to believe. But this corrupt government knows no bounds.

I’m glad the appointment of Merrick Garland to the Supreme Court was stopped. At least we can get rid of him when we get rid of uber-corrupt Biden and his family.

America, wake up. Most of you voted for this lawless government.

Joann Mirone

Old Greenwich, Conn.

Garland has appointed cover-up specialist David Weiss as special counsel to investigate Hunter.

He will be able to conceal evidence of crimes committed by Hunter and his family, especially Joe Biden.

There will likely be no comments to the public or media on his investigation until after 2024 election.

Robert Neglia

The Bronx

The “fox guarding the hen house” idiom was my first thought when Garland appointed David Weiss as special counsel.

This is the same Weiss who allowed the outrageous Hunter Biden plea deal to be presented to a Maryland court.

Furthermore, it violates existing federal guidelines for such appointments. Is Garland aware of those guidelines, or was he hoping nobody would notice?

Phil Serpico


So Garland appoints the prosecutor who recently tried to slip an immunity-with-probation deal through for Hunter.

What a bunch of crap. They must think Americans are stupid. The swamp will always be the swamp.

John Nolty

West Kill

With apologies to Snow White: “Mirror, Mirror on the wall, who’s the crookedest family of them all?”

Between the Biden family and the Trump family, who knows? But look: A special counsel is investigating Hunter Biden and a special counsel is investigating President Biden. Yet only one member of the Trump family, former President Donald Trump, is under special counsel investigation. The plot thickens.

David Tulanian

Henderson, Nev.

The Issue: An FBI memo suggesting traditional Catholic groups were potential hotbeds of extremism.

This article was informative and nailed it (“Under attack for being Catholic,” Douglas Murray, Aug. 11).

FBI Director Christopher Wray lied when he claimed that a memo stating that traditional Catholic groups in this country are potential hotbeds of domestic terrorism was the product of “a single field office.”

We have now learned this was the work of multiple FBI field offices. Wray has to go, as he is an inept political hack.

Today in America, this is just outrageous behavior, and it reflects that the swamp is alive and well. It is a total disgrace.

We need our Catholic church leaders to speak out, but unfortunately, they continue to be silent.

David J. Smith

Stamford, Conn.

Free speech has been threatened, and now religion is being attacked as well.

This affects not only Catholics but any religious group in the United States.

These two organizations, the FBI and the Department of Justice, are attacking our basic rights. We need to stop it.

Bob Robustelli

Stamford, Conn.

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