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Mob of almost 50 steals up to $100,000 in merchandise from LA Nordstrom during broad-daylight robbery

A mob of crooks stole tens of thousands of dollars in merchandise from a Los Angles Nordstrom department store during a wild smash-and-grab raid that included the thieves attacking security guards with bear spray.

The crowd of nearly 50 people dressed in hoodies and masks descended on the luxury goods store in the Topanga Mall at about 4 p.m. Saturday and snatched pricey bags and clothing before hightailing it for the exits, according to police.

The incident was just the latest brazen robbery at a clothing store in the city.

Footage from the scene showed the chaos within the store as the thieves darted between aisles and smashed display cases.

The crooks knocked over shelves and mannequins before frantically grabbing whatever they could carry while store employees looked on helplessly.

After grabbing between $60,000 and $100,000 worth of goods, the crew fled in several cars, including a BMW and a Lexus, cops said.

The thieves appeared to be targeting luxury bags in the smash-and-grab robbery at the Nordstrom on Saturday afternoon Los Angeles Police Department PIO
The criminals dressed mostly in matching black hoodies as they raided the shopping mall in Los Angeles Los Angeles Police Department PIO

At least one guard was doused with bear spray — which causes violent eye and respiratory irritation in humans. The guard was treated by paramedics.

“To criminals, it is just property taken,” the Los Angeles Police Department said in a statement. “To those who live in the area and patronize the Topanga Mall, it is a loss of feeling safe.”

“The LAPD will exhaust all efforts to bring those responsible into custody and seek criminal prosecution.”

Police added that they already had leads in their investigation.

Saturday’s robbery was only the most recent of its kind to rock Los Angeles.

At least one security guard who was doused in bear spray during the robbery had to be treated by paramedics Los Angeles Police Department PIO

Just days earlier at about 5 p.m. Tuesday, up to 30 people raided an Yves Saint Laurent store just over 20 miles west at the Brand shopping center in Glendale.

Crooks in that nearly identical attack took about $300,000 in goods from the store.

It remains unclear whether the incidents were carried out by the same suspects, according to police.