
Mara Gay’s unreal demand for NYC to do more for migrants

What planet does The New York Times’ Mara Gay live on?

Writing on Mayor Eric Adams’ response to 95,000-plus illegal migrants showing up in the city this last year, Gay bewailed the Big Apple’s “tepid welcome.”

She slams him for supposedly ignoring the city’s rich immigrant history, assailing his failure to provide more than basic services — and that only “grudgingly.”

He’s not “putting the country’s largest municipal government to work helping them build new lives,” and even did flyers telling them not to come!

Hel-lo: Past migrant waves got the sink-or-swim treatment, not free housing and meals, let alone flat-screen TVs, PlayStation and Xbox games.

Yes, they could work legally, but then again they’d arrived legally, not exploiting loopholes in asylum law.

No one put any of them up in $400-a-night luxury hotel rooms.

Gay and her progressive cohort won’t be satisfied until taxpayers cover stays in every hotel, and every public space is given over to shelters.

She wants more public money to feed the gaping maw of the city’s vast nonprofit-industrial complex, no matter its decades-long failure to reduce Gotham’s “native” poverty.

Conspicuously absent from Gay’s screed was any offer to step up herself: Does she have a bedroom to free up? Maybe a home office?

O, for the day liberal elites put their own comfort at risk, rather than dumping the pain of living up to their ideals on average working people.