
Adams heckled in surprise visit to Roosevelt Hotel as migrants are moved out

The hordes of migrants camped outside Manhattan’s historic Roosevelt Hotel were cleared Thursday — after Mayor Eric Adams was cursed out by fed-up New Yorkers during a surprise visit to the makeshift processing center.

Hizzoner arrived at the Midtown hotel, which has become the epicenter of the city’s spiraling migrant crisis, just before 10 p.m. Wednesday.

But he wasn’t just met by the dozens of slumbering asylum seekers sleeping shoulder-to-shoulder on the sidewalk.

A crowd of frustrated residents took the opportunity to confront the mayor, with video shared on social media showing them shouting obscenities and urging him to “do something.”

“Do something Eric Adams,” one person yells in the clip.

“How many family members have to wait for you to f–king do something?”

A source who was with Adams described the chaotic scene as “wild.”

“It was wild, there were protestors, people were shouting and screaming,” the source told The Post.

“He [Adams] was a little upset, he felt they needed a little more law and order over there.”

The Mayor was heckled by “rude” people protesting the migrants being kept on the street. Instagram/@cambelobscura
Mayor Eric Adams made a surprise visit to the line outside Roosevelt Hotel Wednesday night. Instagram/@nycmayor

Adams left the Roosevelt around midnight.

Not long after he departed, migrants who had been camped outside the hotel for several days began being swiftly moved inside to be processed and carted away on buses, migrants told The Post.

“Around midnight, the staff began to work more actively,” Russian political asylum seeker Natalia Subbotin said.

“At night they brought more people out of the queue from the street. They were taken to buses pretty quickly,” she said, adding that she did not know where they were being taken.

Dozens of asylum seekers have been lined up outside the makeshift intake center all week.

The once iconic hotel is being used as an intake center for newly-arrived asylum seekers, where they are supposed to go to get processed and get a bed at a city shelter.

They are typically held at the hotel for about 24 hours, though their stay could be anywhere from two hours to two days, according to a security guard outside.

However, the hotel reached capacity over the weekend, meaning migrants have been forced this week to camp on the street outside.

Migrants were seen being bussed away from the hotel Thursday morning.

The Post witnessed about 19 asylum seekers board a bus from the Roosevelt Hotel at 8:15 a.m. Thursday, while a second bus carrying about 20 others — including Subbotin — departed several hours later at 11:30 a.m.

Subbotin and her husband Maksim, both 26, had been camped outside in the line since Tuesday morning.

Another migrant, Savi Khalil, 31, from Mauritania, had been waiting in the cramped line with little rest for nearly 48 hours when he was also finally processed Thursday.

By noon Thursday, cops had dismantled the barricades erected to separate the camping migrants from pedestrians along East 45th and Vanderbilt Avenue.

It’s unclear where the migrants inside Roosevelt Hotel were taken Thursday. Instagram/@cambelobscura

City Hall would not comment on where the migrants were being taken, however, a spokesperson for Mayor Adams thanked the “faith-based organizations” who have helped provide shelter in a statement.

Meanwhile, a source said some migrants were transported to an undisclosed shelter in Sunset Park.

The city has opened 194 sites, including 13 large-scale humanitarian relief centers, to provide shelter for the more than 95,000 asylum seekers who have poured into the Big Apple since last spring.