
Joe Biden’s shady behavior: Letters to the Editor — Aug. 3, 2023

Moron Rep. Daniel Gold­man says Biden would join meetings on speakerphone and talk about the weather (“WH excuses so phone-y,” Aug. 1)

Probably true — in the sense Joe would say, “No worries, Hunter. The coast is clear!”

Flash Martin

The actions of the Department of Justice this past weekend trying to intimidate Devon Archer and keep him from testifying to a congressional committee are another indication that this DOJ is hopelessly corrupt.

Attorney General Merrick Garland is extremely partisan, and his actions have helped destroy the confidence of the American people in our justice system.

The DOJ has become a weapon to be used against the political enemies of the Democratic Party, and this represents a grave threat to our nation’s future.

Robert DiNardo

Rep. Dan Goldman defended Biden after Archer's testimony.
Rep. Dan Goldman defended Biden after Archer’s testimony. AP Photo/J. Scott Applewhite

The left’s excuse that President Biden was just talking about the weather in the meetings and phone calls is merely a wrong choice of words.

They really meant that he was talking about whether or not he was going to get the money, and how much!

Ronald Daba

Devon Archer, having nothing to gain by his testimony, established the fact that President Biden is a prolific liar.

Biden acted unethically and criminally by knowingly aiding and abetting his son and brother, who were selling influence. He bragged about firing a Ukraine prosecutor pursuing Burisma and denied knowing his son sat on the board.

One cannot help thinking about the resignation of Richard Nixon over Watergate and the zeal with which the media pursued him.

If it were not for the reporting of the New York Post, millions of dollars would still be flowing into the Bidens’ coffers. One wonders where all that money is sitting now?
And please do not hold your breath waiting for the attorney general to appoint a special prosecutor. He might as well be a Biden family member.

Phil Serpico

It’s time the truth be told about the Biden family (“Devon Archer reveals exactly what Hunter was selling — Joe Biden,” Miranda Devine, July 31).

We have learned from their former partner, Devon Archer, that influence-peddling was their “brand” — and that President Biden was the “big guy” who reaped millions by selling it.

As the whole world is crashing down around the Bidens, with the House inquiries and the word “impeachment” spoken more often, it seems the past lies that Biden told us are coming back to haunt him.

Nobody believes the stupid explanations of the White House and the Democratic members of Congress. So why wait for impeachment?

Joe and cackling hen Kamala Harris should resign from office. Speaker McCarthy should succeed them as president.

Richard A. Ketay
, NJ

Archer leaving after testifying before the House Oversight Committee on July 31, 2023.
Archer leaving after testifying before the House Oversight Committee on July 31, 2023. Julia Nikhinson / CNP for the NY Post

It’s no surprise that politicians lie; the Dems have made it an art form. Left Coast Rep. Adam Schiff lied for years about Trump’s collusion with Russia and New York Rep. Dan Goldman “knows” all the phone calls Joe Biden was on with Hunter were about the weather.

Dan, please. We know you’re a partisan hack who can lie to the sheep who vote for you in New York and get away with it. But to stand in front of a microphone for the world to see you lying makes you look small.

Mike Santavicca

For the past 30 years, Democratic administrations and Republicans in Name Only (RINOS) have excelled at sticking together and fostering rampant corruption. The antics used by prominent Democrats over this period make what former President Richard Nixon did seem irrelevant.

Imagine what would have happened if Nixon had the use of today’s DOJ, IRS, State Department and the national media.

Tom Mueller
New Rochelle