Sex & Relationships

I was allergic to my boyfriend — it was God’s sign for me to dump him

It was God’s plan.

A woman in an unhappy relationship prayed to erupt in an allergic reaction as a sign to leave her boyfriend, claiming the good Lord answered her calls to heaven when she broke out in hives and landed in the hospital.

Zakiya Ivey had doubts about her month-long relationship earlier this year and turned to God for help.

“I prayed and said: ‘Lord if this man is not for me, if you do not want me to be with him, give me a non-lethal allergic reaction the next time I’m with him,'” the 24-year-old teacher told Kennedy News.

Two days later, her hail Mary was answered when she picked up her boyfriend to hit the gym.

But just 20 minutes into pumping iron, she began to itch and her eyes swelled, realizing she was “about to start having an allergic reaction.”

Ivey, 24, prayed to God for a “non-lethal allergic reaction” as a sign to dump her ex. Kennedy News and Media
Minutes after arriving at the gym with her boyfriend, she began to experience an allergic reaction. Kennedy News and Media

“I was scratching, I was rubbing my eyes. My friend told me my eyes were puffing up and I thought ‘no way,'” the Chicago, Illinois, native recalled. “At that point, my prayer was being answered. I was shocked.”

Despite rushing to Walgreens to purchase allergy medication, she began wheezing and was rushed to the hospital at Franciscan Health Center, where she was hooked to an IV and placed under observation.

“The hospital weren’t able to find a cause, they said I’d have to go to an allergist,” she explained.

Upon being discharged later that day, Ivey knew “exactly what she had to do” — dump her beau.

Ivey, who met the bachelor through a mutual friend, said she was forced to “ask to go on dates,” which were few and far between.

She was rushed to the hospital and placed on an IV. Kennedy News and Media
The allergic reaction was her “answer” from God, she said. Kennedy News and Media

“The relationship wasn’t fulfilling, we didn’t go on dates. We’d hang out at the house,” she claimed.

“I had to always ask to go on dates. From the jump, it wasn’t right.”

The anaphylactic reaction was her saving grace — an excuse to dump the dud, err dude, for good.

“It took me like a week to break up with him,” she remembered. “I thought he could possibly change or that maybe it was a fluke.”

But the pair “didn’t share the same values” nor were they “on the same page.”

“It felt like I was more interested in the relationship than he was,” she admitted, adding that even her family believed her hospitalization was an “answer” from God.

She urged other women to trust their intuitions and the “red flags” they see in their partners. Kennedy News and Media
Even Ivey’s family believed God had answered her prayers. Kennedy News and Media

“They thought it was crazy,” she said. “It’s so specific, it is a bit crazy.”

Now, the Christian vows to always pray to God before jumping into a relationship and advises fellow women to listen to their intuition.

“I knew what the Holy Spirit was telling me from the beginning,” she said.

“You know what person is for you and not for you. Trust those red flags.”

Sharing her shocking tale on TikTok, Ivey scored more than 779,000 views, though some viewers were baffled.

Ivey was rushed to the hospital by her friend. Kennedy News and Media
She dumped her man a week after her hospitalization. Kennedy News and Media

“I feel like you already know the answer if you gotta ask this specifically,” commented one person.

“Nah sometimes we gotta be this specific because we be tryna ignore the signs like nah I don’t think it’s that one,” quipped another.

“Oh the Lord be specific specific,” wrote someone else.