
I’m a tourist submarine pilot — sinking to the ocean floor 6 times a day is just a part of my job

She‘s leading a sublime life. 

Piloting a tourist submarine into the depths of the deep blue sea every day may sound dangerous to some — especially in the wake of the Titan submersible implosion that claimed the lives of five Titanic-obsessed explorers in June. 

But a bikini-clad bombshell behind the wheel of a 100-foot sub, which carts 64 people around the ocean floor six times daily, is totally living it up down below. 

“It’s the best job in the world,” bragged submarine co-pilot Brittany Nash, 24, who lives in Honolulu, Hawaii, to Caters. 

Her vessel, the Atlantis 14, is revered as the largest tourist submarine in the world. It’s functioned as a visitor attraction in Hawaii for 37 years sans a dire incident.

And Nash has a splash taking the plunge each day. 

“I really love being under the water and seeing sea creatures every day,” she said. “Sights like sea turtles just never get old.”

Brittany Nash ditched her life in Australia to become a submarine co-pilot in Hawaii after the pandemic. NYPost Composite

Following the pandemic, the brunette, a native of Melbourne, Australia, with a degree in graphic design, relocated to Hawaii to pursue her dream of dwelling in the tropics and working on the water. 

“I’d always wanted to live somewhere tropical and work on a boat, but I decided to get a degree first,” she said, conceding, however, that attaining a bachelor’s in graphic design was completely unrelated to her exotic aquatic aspirations. 

“After COVID and everything else, I really just needed to explore that part of my dream,” said Nash. “So, I moved away and applied for a bunch of boat jobs.” 

Online, Nash often shares sights from daily her underwater adventures with her more than 142,100 TikTok followers. Caters News Agency

With no luck scoring a position on a ship, Nash ultimately landed her role with Atlantis Submarines Hawaii. 

“This was just the one that got back to me,” she said. “Being on a submarine is a lot more interesting than a boat too.”

And online ocean aficionados seem to agree. 

Nash soaked in a whopping 17.9 million TikTok views on footage featuring her daily duties as a tourist sub co-pilot. 

“I get the sub ready for our first dive,” she explained in the trending clip, offering digital audiences a look at the interior of the watercraft, as well as the deep-sea creatures she spots from her pilot’s window during each sunken excursion. 

“I talk about all the different reefs we see and the different marine life,” added Nash in the post. 

And when she’s not busy floating with the fish, the submarine queen regularly enjoys relaxing and sunbathing atop the tank. 

But her dreamy job isn’t all wild tours and tanning — she often has to get down and dirty. 

Although Nash reveres her post as the “best job in the world,” she confesses that the long workdays and unappealing responsibilities can be overwhelming at times. Caters News Agency

“Things aren’t always as glamorous as they seem,” admitted Nash. 

“People do get seasick, and obviously we are the ones who have to clean it up,” she said. “Sometimes toilets will get clogged, and we fix that as well. It can be tough.” 

In addition to maintaining the vehicle, Nash regularly does intense manual labor during her grueling 10- to 12-hour shifts. And although the tasks are taxing, she’s thankful for the impact they’ve had on her physique. 

“It’s quite a physical job, too, but I guess the benefits definitely outweigh that because it’s so much fun,” said Nash, who’s now “10 times” stronger than she was before becoming a subsurface tour guide. 

“I did think about joining a gym when I moved over here, but the job is so physical that I didn’t need to,” she added. “When my parents came to visit me, they were both like, ‘Oh my gosh, you have so much muscle!’”

Despite the downsides of working as a submarine pilot, Nash says she’s proud to represent the small faction of women who share her role. Caters News Agency

Her newfound brawn notwithstanding, Nash says serving as one of the few female submarine co-pilots is a meaningful labor of love. 

“It can be daunting working on a submarine when it’s such a heavily male-dominated industry,” she said, noting that she’s held to the same professional standards as the sub’s two male lead pilots.

“But it’s really nice when I see little girls come on and they want to take photos with me,” Nash added. 

And her workplace respects her fierce work ethic. 

“You’re not discriminated against or told to do less because you’re a woman. It’s a fantastic place to work because of that,” said Nash. 

“You [just] have to believe that you are as capable as a man, if not better.”