
Biden payment bombshell: Letters to the Editor — July 24, 2023

The Issue: Evidence that a Ukrainian oligarch paid the Bidens to avoid an investigation into his company.

If this most recent bombshell regarding the $10 million going to Hunter Biden and President Biden isn’t either prison- or impeachment-worthy, then I have lost faith forever in our FBI and the Department of Justice (“ ‘Coerced’ into $10M payoff,” July 21).

My God! The former vice president and now the corrupt president, who angrily smirks when asked a simple question about whether he knew of Hunter’s shenanigans, may have been an integral part of the alleged bribery process. This information should force Biden into resigning.

Anyone who has been in denial and thinks that the president is innocent in this scandal should have his head examined.

Ron Zajicek


For at least three years, the FBI has had Hunter’s laptop and these FD-1023 forms alleging Joe Biden took payoffs from foreign actors to stifle an investigation into Burisma.

And despite this, the Department of Justice not only failed to act, but actively hid what was going on. Heads must roll. Starting with FBI Director Christopher Wray.

Charlie Honadel

Venice, Fla.

Columnist Miranda Devine is a great investigative journalist, who makes a strong argument for the appointment of a special prosecutor in the matter of the Bidens’ money-for-influence scam (“Must appoint a special counsel now,” July 21).

Sadly, due to the media’s unwavering alliance with the Democrats, Devine’s meticulous efforts will not be reported elsewhere. Many Americans get their information from CNN or The View. They will a never criticize a Biden.

The Biden prosecution will go nowhere so long as the Democrats maintain control of the media, the Senate and the Justice Department. We are one election away from complete totalitarian rule.

Robert Mangi


Burisma bigwig Mykola Zlochevsky says that Hunter is dumber than his dog. President Biden says that Hunter is the smartest man he knows.

More and more, it seems that both are telling the truth.

Joseph Koenig


The Issue: Claims that country singer Jason Aldean’s new song “Try That in a Small Town” is racist.

Jason Aldean’s song is simply saying that anyone who commits crimes against innocent people should be held responsible and dealt with accordingly (“Racial dis-chord,” Douglas Murray, July 21).

He sings about small towns because he knows how much more the people look out for one another in small towns, as opposed to big cities, where residents are all about themselves.

It’s not a racist song, it’s an anti-crime song. The companies and liberals that jump on the bandwagon, calling it “racist,” are predictable and just trying to create more hate and division in our country.

Stop being such sheep and stand up for the rights and safety of others. The agitators are always ready to pounce on a situation and cause trouble. Don’t fall for it. Listen to the song and decide for yourself whether it’s offensive.

Jean Cole

Juno Beach, Fla.

So the liberals and fake-news media are feigning being upset over country singer Jason Aldean’s song, “Try that in a Small Town.”

The usual characters say the song is racist (the ever-ready card), and that it’s a dog whistle. Yet these same zealots never say anything ever about rap songs.

Why is that? Because it doesn’t fit their narrative.

Tommy DeJulio

Delray Beach, Fla.

Want to weigh in on today’s stories? Send your thoughts (along with your full name and city of residence) to letters@nypost.com. Letters are subject to editing for clarity, length, accuracy and style.