Miranda Devine

Miranda Devine


The Joe Biden bribe allegations need a special counsel, now

If anything merits a special counsel, it is the allegations buried by the FBI that a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch paid millions to bribe the “Big Guy,” then-Vice President Joe Biden, to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired.

The grave allegations contained in an FBI document released Thursday by Sen. Chuck Grassley came to light only because of a patriotic whistleblower.

It is an outrage that FBI Director Christopher Wray tried to hide this so-called FD-1023 document from congressional Oversight Committee members.

It is an outrage that Delaware US Attorney David Weiss buried it again when provided with the document in 2020 by Attorney General Bill Barr, after it had been vetted as credible by the US attorney in Pittsburgh.

Weiss inexplicably hid the FD-1023 from IRS and FBI investigators working the Hunter Biden criminal probe.

Information concealed

IRS supervisory agent Gary Shapley has testified that the document would have “likely been material to the ongoing criminal investigation of Hunter Biden . . . As a result of the [informant] information being concealed by prosecutors from the IRS-CI and FBI investigators assigned to this investigation, we were unable to follow alleged criminal activity as would normally be completed.”

New allegations have arisen that a corrupt Ukrainian oligarch paid millions to bribe Joe Biden to get a Ukrainian prosecutor fired. MediaPunch / BACKGRID
Gary Shapley testified that the document would have “likely been material to the ongoing criminal investigation of Hunter Biden.” CNP/startraksphoto.com

The Ukrainian American who reported the allegations contained in the FD-1023 is a trusted, long-term FBI confidential human source (CHS) to whom the FBI has paid more than $100,000.

Was no attempt made to investigate the allegations when the CHS first alerted the FBI in 2018?

Did the FBI even try to retrieve the 17 covert recordings of Joe and Hunter Biden and two “documents” that allegedly show that Mykola Zlochevsky, owner of Ukrainian energy company Burisma, was “paying the Bidens to ensure Ukraine Prosecutor General Viktor Shokin was fired.”

Despite Washington Post reports to the contrary, Shokin had been aggressively investigating Burisma, which was paying $83,000 a month to the crack-addicted Hunter to sit on its board from 2014 to 2019.

Zlochevsky put Hunter on the board to “protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems,” the CHS attested in the FD-1023.

In February 2016, Shokin issued warrants to seize all Zlochevsky properties in Kyiv. The following month, VP Joe Biden successfully pressured the Ukrainian government into firing Shokin.

Zlochevsky put Hunter on the board to “protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems,” the CHS attested in the FD-1023. Ting Shen – Pool via CNP / MEGA

Bigger than Watergate

The story of the Biden family’s corrupt influence-peddling scheme, which netted tens of millions of dollars from Ukraine, China, Russia and beyond, is scandal enough.

But the coverup — from Big Tech’s censorship of The Post’s reporting from Hunter’s abandoned laptop, and CIA lies that it was Russian disinformation, to the burying of this FD-1023 — is bigger than Watergate.

Only when Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer threatened Wray with contempt proceedings did the FBI director grudgingly allow him to view the FD-1023 last month.

Most of the redactions only served to protect the Bidens. For example, all mention of the 17 recordings was redacted.

So was Zlochevsky’s comment that “Hunter Biden was stupid, and his [Zlochevsky’s] dog was smarter.”