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Benjamin Netanyahu reportedly rushed to hospital after passing out, hitting head

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was rushed to a Tel Aviv hospital Saturday after fainting at home — and the leader chalked the episode up to not staying hydrated after spending time in the scorching sun.

The 73-year-old conservative — Israel’s longest-serving leader — was in “good condition” as he underwent a series of tests, his office said.

The prime minister had passed out while at home in Cesarea and hit his head after complaining about chest pain, sources at Sheba Medical Center told the Jerusalem Post.

Netanyahu was fully conscious when he arrived at the emergency room, they said — but doctors will perform a brain scan and evaluate his heart rhythm to check for further injury.

The prime minister seemingly blamed Israel’s recent hot weather, which has seen temperatures in the mid to high 80s, later Saturday.

“Yesterday I spent time with my wife at the Sea of Galilee, in the sun, without a hat and water. Wasn’t a good idea,” Bibi said, according to NBC News. “I want to thank everyone for their concern, thank God I feel good.”

His son Avner accompanied him to the hospital and his wife Sara was expected to join them.

Netanyahu’s office said he suffered from dehydration will stay at Sheba Medical Center overnight for observation on the advice of his doctors, the Times of Israel reported.

Opposition leader Yair Lapid quickly offered a message of support, tweeting wishes for “a full recovery and good health” in Hebrew.

“Feel better,” he added.

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu was rushed to a Tel Aviv hospital Saturday after fainting at home and hitting his head. REUTERS
Netanyahu was fully conscious when he arrived at the emergency room. AFP via Getty Images
Netanyahu is Israel’s longest-serving leader. AFP via Getty Images

Netanyahu has served multiple terms as prime minister, totaling 15 years in office.

He reclaimed power in December, forming a right-wing government with support from religious and nationalist political parties in the Knesset just 18 months after he was ousted.

But President Biden has made a pointed effort to keep Netanyahu, a warm ally of former President Trump, at arms’ length — refusing to invite him to the White House, even after China’s Xi Jinping asked him to make a state visit to Beijing last month.