
Dems’ silence on Biden scandals: Letters to the Editor — July 10, 2023

The Issue: The media and Democrats’ lack of response to the investigations into the Biden family.

Thank you to The Post for your due diligence regarding the Biden family corruption investigation (“Conspiracy of silence,” July 7).

As a former criminal investigator, I applaud you on your tenacity in seeking the truth. I only wish others in government and the media would support you in your endeavors.

The honest people in this country appreciate your work in exposing a corrupt career politician.

President Biden is an individual who has used his position to line his and his family’s pockets. Stay the course.

J. K. McGowan

Glen Rock, NJ

It’s hard to blame White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre for answering 2% of the questions put to her this year about President Biden’s scandals, since she is not responsible for creating the debacles that she is left to defend.

However, there is something to be said about self-respect and dignity. When the press secretary puts herself in front of the “firing squad“ day in and day out, yet lacks any ability to defend the indefensible, maybe it’s time to call it quits.

What is clear to everyone is that transparency will never be a hallmark of this administration.

It’s been an exercise in futility for a press corps simply trying to do its job by asking the questions that need to be asked.

Ronald G. Frank

West Orange, NJ

As damning evidence has mounted surrounding the Biden family’s overseas influence-peddling, the media, on cue, have circled the wagons and tried to spin this epic corruption scandal into a tale about the president’s undying love for his wayward son (”AWOL on Biden Corruption,” Editorial, July 7).

But this is hardly some prodigal son tale. It’s a story about the insatiable greed of a corrupt family, featuring the “big guy” and his bagman son. And the subplot is how the legacy media has shredded journalistic standards and sunk to the level of Pravda-like entities.

James Hyland


Hunter Biden has walked away from any consequences for being the bag man for daddy Joe and the rest of the Biden crime family.

The evidence against him was massive — with loads of proof on his laptop, along with Tony Bobulinsky’s testimony and emails backing it all up.

But the fix was in. After all, it was really our president who was at risk, along with his brother and son.

The Bidens will no doubt continue to sell their influence to the highest bidders and our country’s influence and power will continue to decline.

Steve Heitner

Middle Island

The Issue: The Assembly’s failure to pass a law that would increased the penalty for repeat shoplifters.

The New York Assembly again gets it wrong by going easy on shoplifters (“Where’s your ‘steal’ resolve?” July 4).

New York is majority liberal. When the next election comes, remember to look at San Francisco, Chicago, Baltimore and other liberally run cities in chaos. That will be New York very soon.

I wonder if liberal shoppers like having to wait to have a store clerk unlock the toothpaste.

JR Cummings


Pharmacies and grocery stores provide vital jobs and services in every community. Many have shut down because of wholesale shoplifting.

Brain-dead prosecutors and lawmakers have decided that shoplifting is a victimless crime and don’t care about small business owners.

New York is going to hell in a handbasket.

Joe Zeloof

Hamilton, NJ