
The week in whoppers: The NYT’s ‘disinfo’ spin, MSNBC’s climate alarmism and more

Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusions

This tweet:

We say: Disinformation? Like The Post’s 2020 election-eve blockbuster about Hunter Biden’s laptop, which social media suppressed — even though the Times itself later admitted the story was true?

Or this paper’s 2020 opinion column wondering if COVID came from a Wuhan lab, another nixed viewpoint even many Bidenites now acknowledge is likely?

Sorry, but Team Biden officials aren’t the final arbiters of what’s true. (Actually, they lie through their teeth.)

And even if they somehow were, it still wouldn’t give them the right to defy the First Amendment and coerce media companies to take down posts.

That’s called censorship, and that’s what the judge sought to “curtail.”

This warning:

We say: How many times are climate alarmists like MSNBC going to cry wolf?

Do they really think yelling ever more loudly or using words like “time bomb” will lend more credibility to their apocalyptic warnings?

Yes, climate change may be real and linked to fossil fuels. But, no, the world isn’t headed for extinction any time soon, even if we do nothing about it.

This slam:

We say: What a despicable — and distorted — thing for O’Brien to say.

Asian Americans merely want colleges to stop “screwing over” people like them with preferences for favored groups via affirmative action.

O’Brien tried to turn the tables, suggesting that by calling for a level playing field, Asian Americans are hurting others.

The biggest irony: Far from “screwing” anyone, an end to affirmative action will likely help black and Hispanic students, by steering them to more appropriate schools and ending suspicions about their actual accomplishments.

This headline:

“Conservatives are on a roll in their quest to remake America through the courts”

— CNN, Friday

We say: Give us a break! Conservatives aren’t trying to remake America; they’re trying to stop liberals from doing so — and from flouting the law in the process.

Yes, the Supreme Court has sided with the political right in key cases recently. But that’s because the left has spurned basic American principles and sidestepped the Constitution.

Such as when President Biden ignored Congress and moved to forgive $430 billion in student loans.

People protesting against affirmative action after the Supreme Court ruled against the practice for college admissions on June 29, 2023.
People protesting against affirmative action after the Supreme Court ruled against the practice for college admissions on June 29, 2023. Photo by Anna Moneymaker/Getty Images

Or when colleges like Harvard ignore the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause and favor some groups over others.

Compiled by The Post Editorial Board