
Don’s classified doc bust: Letters to the Editor — June 17, 2023

The Issue: The arraignment of Donald Trump on 37 counts related to possession of classified documents.

There is no doubt in my mind that former President Donald Trump is being unfairly prosecuted in the document case (“Arraign on his parade,” June 14).

His retention of classified documents, though wrong, does not warrant his being crucified for poor judgment.

His enemies were out to prevent him from being president, and he has made it easy for them. I see no option other than him dropping out of the race, maybe in exchange for the government dropping all charges.

It’s a sad day for America when a former president is indicted to keep him from running again.

Paul Schoenbaum

Richmond, Va.

Trump calling being arraigned on a 37-count federal indictment “election interference” is akin to calling a plane crash a mishap.

I’m left wondering if the former president understands the gravity of the legal predicament he is now facing.

Mike Rice

Wellfleet, Mass.

It appears that the Democrats have engaged the Republicans in a game of political mutual destruction.

As the Republicans uncover more corruption within the Biden family bribery enterprise, the Dems find more ways to persecute Trump.

Americans should be aghast at what the Democrats have done to our government and our nation, all in an effort to destroy the one man brave enough to go toe-to-toe with them to expose their historic deceit, hypocrisy and monumental incompetence.

I’m not sure what the outcome of this latest Trump indictment will be, but it’s quite apparent Hillary Clinton, Biden and the rest of the Dems have a lot to answer for as well. Even more so than Trump.

Michael D’Auria


Although Trump’s recent arrest for knowingly hiding classified documents may seem to many like an anomaly motivated by politics alone, it’s really just the country’s historic approach to those who have done the same thing.

Trump is being treated no differently than all the others. The fact that Trump and his more zealous followers can’t understand that speaks volumes about his — and their — mental state.

Mike Barrett

Ashburn, Va.

Democrats and their Justice Department puppets are playing a dangerous game here — which will backfire on them — as they continue their obvious witch hunt and harassment against Trump but turn a blind eye when the laws are likely broken by Democrats Hillary Clinton and Biden.

Selective justice is nothing more than tyranny. Any human being makes mistakes and can be prosecuted for those mistakes.

But in this case, Biden is actively persecuting his primary political challenger to prevent him from running for president in 2024, instead of letting the American people decide — which is contrary to democratic principles.

At a time when America has so many domestic problems and we are on the precipice of World War III, this will not end well.

Michael Pravica

Henderson, Nev.

Nothing Republicans can say takes away from the fact that Trump has total disdain for this country and what it stands for.

They are willing to lie, obstruct and turn their heads from Trump’s criminal activity and his attacks on our rule of law, all because they get in the way of the GOP play for power. That’s even though this puts the security of America and its allies at risk.

If Americans are OK with this, then we are done as a democracy, and you can thank all of the GOP’s excuses and unwavering support for the man who would be king.

Bob Bascelli


President George Washington was eulogized as “first in war, first in peace, and first in the hearts of his countrymen.”

Donald Trump will be remembered as “first indicted, twice impeached, and perpetually in the courts of his countrymen.”

Paul L. Newman

Merion Station, Pa.

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