
Dems’ push to seal crime records: Letters to the Editor — June 2, 2023

The Issue: A state bill that would seal criminal records for the majority of crimes after time is served.

Once again, clueless Gov. Hochul puts criminals first and victims second (“Murder she nope’d,” June 1).

The number of multiple-arrest felons should have us all wary about the rights of criminals vs. the public they prey on.

Everyone deserves a second chance after he pays his debt to society. But in the Soros-backed justice system, even getting hit with dozens of arrests does not qualify for a flashing red light.

The increase in antisemitic attacks, elder muggings, robberies and carjackings is alarming.

Loosen the carry permit laws for law-abiding citizens. Maybe that will level the playing field.

Lee Fleischman

Stamford, Conn.

Progressives’ attacks on decent and law-abiding citizens continue, as they now want the criminal records of convicted murderers sealed after seven years.

That means landlords will have no way to find out if a potential tenant is a convicted killer. The loony left obviously has no problem with convicted murderers living right next door to them and their kids. Progressives are even dumber than I thought.

Barry Koppel

Kew Gardens Hills

With the Albany Democrats, the hits just keep on coming.

Andrea Stewart-Cousins
State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins said it is fine giving judges more clarity on imposing bail and other pre-trial conditions. Getty Images

They gave us bail reform, which guarantees that dangerous people remain on the street. Dems also gave us the Raise the Age law, making it difficult to incarcerate serious juvenile offenders.

The Less Is More law keeps parole violators on the street. And discovery reform has resulted in numerous cases being dismissed.

Now the Dems want to seal felony criminal records, with the exception of sex offenses, after seven years. This is madness.

Why shouldn’t a prospective employer or landlord be able to determine whether an applicant is a thief or a murderer?

The Albany Democrats are proving themselves to be the party of criminals. It’s time to send them packing.

Kenneth Fitzgerald


Erasing criminal records, even for murder?

Only one liberal, inane, pathetic excuse of a politician in Albany comes to mind when considering where this stupidity comes from: Sen. Andrea Stewart-Cousins.

She and her cohorts have made the state of New York — and more so, New York City — a toilet, reminiscent of the ’60s and ’70s.

Ralph Manente


The Issue: The LA Dodgers’ choice to give an award to a queer drag group that mocks the Catholic Church.

On June 16, the Dodgers are having a Pride Night to welcome LGBTQ+ people and make them feel welcome (“Can’t Dodge ‘Woke’?” Charles Gasparino, Business, May 28).

OK, that is fine; I have no issue with that at all. However, one group the team is celebrating, the Sisters of Perpetual Indulgence, has constantly and viciously attacked the Catholic faith.

I have to question the logic of honoring this hate group after a baseball game — because it truly has nothing to do with the game being played on the field.

Dodgers cap
The Los Angeles Dodgers invited the Sisters of Indulgence back to their Pride Night event on June 16, after initially removing them from attending the event. Getty Images

I must call on the Dodgers organization to change its mind and seriously reconsider honoring this group at Pride Night.

Michael Goss

Highlands, NJ

I am amazed how the LA Dodgers are allowing these social misfits to attack the Catholic Church.

If this assault were against the Jewish or Muslim faiths, would there be great outrage? I think so.

The Catholic Church has its issues, but allowing both government and queer groups to attack those who follow their religion is damaging to civility.

Dan Ricciardi


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