
I can talk to your dead pets — I’m an animal communicator

She’s trying to lift spirits.

A woman from Maine claims she can communicate with animals in the afterlife, and she’s using that energy to help others receive “messages.”

Danielle MacKinnon, 51, calls herself a “soul level animal communicator,” explaining that she always felt she had a gift of communicating with the animal afterlife — but her family and friends never quite believed her.

It wasn’t until Bella — her chocolate Labrador — got sick, and her friends told her to visit a pet psychic, that she began to realize her own talents were legitimate.

She described it as a life-changing moment, eventually leaving her marketing job to dedicate herself full time to medium work in 2005. She counts journalist Maria Menounos among her celebrity clientele

Danielle MacKinnon, from Maine, claims she can communicate with pets after they’ve died. Danielle MacKinnon / SWNS
She says she’s had the gift from a young age. Danielle MacKinnon / SWNS

“The animals were telling me to leave the job,” MacKinnon told South West News Service.

“It was scary,” she continued. “I was afraid.”

As for Bella, the psychic reportedly told MacKinnon and her husband, Kevin, 52, that their dog was telling him she was upset and had eaten corncobs because of this — something MacKinnon found to be true.

“He looked back and forth between me and my dog and my husband for a while, and then he finally said, ‘Well, she’s sick because she’s upset and because she was upset, she ate corncobs. And the reason she’s upset is because you and your husband have been fighting about your mother,'” MacKinnon told Cosmopolitan in 2015.

She said she trained with Bella’s psychic shortly after that experience in 2000.

MacKinnon began to perform her own readings for pet owners, claiming she only needs the name of the pet to be able to connect with its spirit.

She explained that she has always felt very connected to animals, ever since she was young. She felt like she knew what the animals were “thinking.”

All she needs is a name to be able to communicate with pets in the afterlife, she told SWNS. Danielle MacKinnon / SWNS

“A lot of people ask to reconnect with their pet when they pass over,” she revealed to SWNS.

“The messages animals like to give to humans are like — ‘I saw you the other day working in a blue top.'”

She said they talk about people to “show they are still around.”

She noted that pets are very intuitive with human emotions and know when we’re not sharing everything with them.

“They tune into our emotions all the time,” MacKinnon argued. “They are so psychic — even when we try and hide it.”

The 51-year-old has also taken her talents to social media, sharing videos about her readings. Danielle MacKinnon / SWNS

The pet communicator has quite the following on social media — with over 180,000 followers on TikTok and 12,400 on Instagram.

She often explores topics such as what pets think when we are too busy for them.

In a recently reposted Instagram reel, she said the No. 1 message she gets from pets on the other side is to pay attention.

“There’s one thing that they almost always say,” MacKinnon explained in the clip. “And that one thing that they almost always say is not, ‘I love you,’ it is not, ‘Don’t forget to take the trash out,’ it is not, ‘Hey, I’m mad at you because of how I crossed over.'”

She decided to tap into her gift after she and her husband, Kevin, saw a pet psychic themselves. Danielle MacKinnon / SWNS

“The one message that they usually have is, ‘Hey, I’m here, I’m around you, pay attention because I’m sending you messages,'” she added.

She also shared why our pets follow us into the bathroom sometimes.

“It’s not because they’re insecure, although they might be insecure,” she reasoned. “It’s not because they’re trying to annoy you, although they might be annoying you.”

She continued, “It’s actually because they’re reading your energy and intuitively, they’re checking in all the time, and when you’re on the toilet, your energy calms right down, you’re in the present moment and you’re a pleasure to be around.”

MacKinnon has published books about her observations, including one last month called “The Incredible Animal Afterlife: What Your Pet Wants You to Know.”

She has written books about her work. Danielle MacKinnon / SWNS

And, according to SWNS, MacKinnon has one very important piece of advice for owners — their pets “love everybody.”

“It’s not based on how many hugs you give them, or treats you give them,” she explained about the “unconditional love.”

“It’s based on their intuitive connection to you because they can feel the love in your heart.”