Miranda Devine

Miranda Devine


Hunter Biden may be held accountable for first time in his life in baby mama Lunden Roberts’ case

Hunter Biden’s showdown with baby mama Lunden Roberts in a Batesville, Ark., courtroom Monday may be the first time in his life that he hasn’t been able to wheedle out of the consequences of his actions. 

The president’s son is crying poor and seeking to cut child support payments to Navy Joan, his unacknowledged 4-year-old daughter with Roberts, a former stripper with whom he had a monthslong affair.

It appears Hunter’s lawyers will not come to a settlement with Roberts to avoid his opening the kimono on his financial secrets. 

Already we have found that the first son offloaded his 10% stake in Chinese equity firm BHR to his “sugar brother” Kevin Morris, the Hollywood attorney who paid his $2.8 million IRS debt. 

New documents, uncovered by nonprofit Marco Polo and published over the weekend by Breitbart News, show that Hunter’s firm Skaneateles LLC, which held the BHR stake, is controlled by Morris. 

Hunter Biden is seeking to cut child support payments to his unacknowledged 4-year-old daughter, Navy Joan. AP Photo/Patrick Semansky
Lunden Roberts
Lunden Roberts is suing Biden for child support payments for their daughter, Navy. lundentownn_/Instagram

No doubt Roberts’ attorneys will want to know just how much Hunter received for the BHR stake, which has been estimated to be worth between $420,000 and $20 million, but which he told the New York Times he sold at a loss.

Hunter received his cut in the CCP-backed fund in December 2013, a few days after flying to Beijing on Air Force Two with his dad, then-Vice President Joe Biden, who met with Hunter’s Chinese partner during the trip. 

By 2019, BHR had $2.5 billion in funds under management but struggled with poor investments.

Hunter’s abandoned laptop and the financial records it contains are expected to take center stage in the case. Hunter’s attorney Brent Langdon could not answer when Independence County, Arkansas, Circuit Judge Holly Meyer asked: “Is it your client’s laptop or not?” 

“I am not in a position to even begin to answer that question,” Langdon replied. It’s unlikely the judge will allow this evasiveness to continue.

Whatever the result in the end, little Navy, the president’s unmentioned seventh grandchild, can be proud to know when she grows up that she has a mother gutsy enough to stand up for her against the White House and the best lawyers money can buy.