Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams


Dishing on Trump, DeSantis drama and calling out Jim Jordan’s NYC crime jab

Trump was in Florida’s Fort Myers.

Leaving, he sent their police department eight pizzas for the night shift cops. 

DeSantis dialed around to be sure nothing about Trump’s pizzas got posted to social media.

Too late.

They had.

Between Mickey Mouse and pizza pizazz, Ron is now 0 for 2.

Rep. Jim Jordan called NYC the crime capital.

Manhattan has the sixth ­lowest murder rate among 50 largest municipalities.

Columbus, Ohio, a spit from Jerky Jordan’s district, the murder rate’s nearly three times higher than Manhattan.

And nice shiny Pensacola, Fla.’s property crime rate was twice New York’s.

Our problem is rats.

That includes Congress creature Jordan.

So Washington’s babbling about creating a third party. 

Lynne Cheney and West Virginia’s Joe Manchin are two such open mouths. Great.

Let’s support anything opening wide enough to disgorge Joe Bombden and his son Jesse James.

Ron DeSantis
Faced with uneven polling and with former President Donald Trump racking up endorsements, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis’ key allies want him to declare his presidential candidacy before its too late. AP

Letter bombing

FAN mail.

Forget suggestions on what I can do to myself — although some ideas sound interesting.

Here’s others:

Bunny from CPW suggests signs. “Gynecologist: ‘At your cervix.’ ” . . . Electrician: “We remove your shorts.”. . . Car dealership: “Get back on your feet. Miss a car payment.” . . . Plumber: “Don’t sleep with a drip. Call us.” . . . Electrician: “Forget your bill you’ll be de-lighted.” . . . Optometrist: “Can’t see what you’re looking for, you’re in the right place.”

Jim Jordan
Ohio Rep. Jim Jordan has recently called NYC the crime capital. Getty Images

Restaurant: “Come in. Get fed up.” . . . Radiator shop: “Best place to handle a leak.” . . . Muffler shop: “No appointment needed. We hear you coming.” . . . Shoe repair: “We’ll heel you, save your sole, dye for you.” . . . Window truck: “Venetian blind man driving.”

Lee from Boca: “I enjoy The Post. Your recent column was appalling albeit amusing. Don’t knock Florida. Brain power’s required to decide which restaurant to try that offers an Early Bird special.” . . . Forget Westbury’s Francine who suggests meeting me: “Together we can fix the world.” And Mr. Patterson writes in red: “I assure you we read the NY Post in DC!”

Dined and dished

I TOOK off two days — and not as critics hope because I went to charm school. It was a rest after Margo Catsimatidis and husband John — of whom you maybe heard — gave me a dinner.

No VIPs.

Just the Cardinal, the Mayor, the Governor, WABC prez Chad Lopez, Judge Judy — all discussing the USA and NYC.

Atop Manhattan’s newest West 57th skyscraper Margo arranged posters, masks, cake, personalized jewelry with my photo, key rings, names carved in wood, violinist, pianist, sit-down dinner in the 100th floor’s private all-window restaurant.

Even a shame to use the magnificent can in this Cubed Club 1,000 feet over NYC.

The john paper was larger than John Catsimatidis’ wallet.


Neil Patrick Harris, guest narrator in SRO’s “Peter Pan Goes Wrong,” a limited 16-week run at B’way’s Barrymore, stars till May 7.

In the audience his special walk-on this week was his mom, Sheila.

When he asked, “Have we ever met before?” the house went nuts.

Signs of the times

Stop knocking religion. On one street two churches. The liberal church sign read: “There is no hell.”

The other: “The hell there ain’t.”

So how progressive are progressive schools? Two first grade pupils got married last month.

Only in New York, kids, only in New York.