Men's Health

Man breaks penis performing ‘world’s most dangerous sex position’

It was a snappy ending.

An Indonesian man had to undergo emergency surgery after fracturing his penis while performing a notoriously risky sex position — which left him with an “eggplant” phallus.

A study detailing the breaking news was published recently in the journal Urology Case Reports.

The freak accident occurred while the unnamed 37-year-old male was reportedly having intercourse in the “reverse cowgirl” position, in which the woman is on top facing away from her partner.

According to TikTok doctor Dr. Karan Raj, this is the “world’s most dangerous” pleasure pose, responsible for a whopping 50% of fractures.

Lo and behold, things went south after the man suddenly heard a loud cracking sound followed by “pain discomfort and immediate loss of erection.”

Following the boudoir backfire, the patient began bleeding out of the tip of his penis and found himself unable to urinate.

Realizing something had gone horribly awry, the frightened fellow reportedly to the General Hospital of West Nusa Tenggara Province.

By that time, his penis had swollen and turned deep purple in a condition known in medical parlance as “eggplant deformity” — a telltale sign of a break, per the study.

While the penis is technically boneless, the word “fracture” is used to describe a tear in the tunica albuginea — the tissue that allows the penis to become enlarged and erect.

An X-ray showing the man's fractured penis.
An X-ray showing another Indonesian man’s fractured penis from July 2022. International Journal of Surgery

A subsequent examination confirmed the patient indeed had a “wide and deep fracture to the penis” while the penile tissue had ruptured as well.

The unfortunate soul had also suffered a severe hematoma — an injury to the wall of the blood vessel — which had caused blood to leak out into the surrounding tissue, which is why he’d urinated plasma before.

Study authors said such phallic fractures occur when the erect penis buckles after hitting the “perineum or pubic bone firmly during vigorous sexual activity.”

Reverse cowgirl is a particularly risky position because a man’s penis can slip out and be crushed by his partner’s pubic bone during erratic thrusting, according to a video PSA by Rajan.

However, it can also be caused by masturbation and even turning over in bed at an awkward angle, per the study.

A stock photo of a droopy eggplant.
According to Dr. Karan Raj, the reverse cowgirl is the most dangerous sex position, responsible for 50% of penis fractures. Getty Images/iStockphoto

Thankfully, surgeons were able to go in and repair the patient’s fractured member without incident, after which they stitched up his urethra and bandaged the wound.  

They then conducted an “artificial erection test” to determine that there was no leakage or abnormal “curvature of the penis.”

The patient’s member didn’t present either complication, although it was still blue three days later after the bandages were removed.

The man was subsequently outfitted with a catheter — a tube inserted into the bladder to facilitate urine circulation — and discharged from the hospital.

At a follow-up appointment several weeks later, doctors discovered that his penis was “in good shape” and he had no problems achieving an erection or passing urine.

It’s unknown how soon the patient was back in the saddle, so to speak.

Doctors are using the patient’s case to shed light on penis buckling, which “frequently affects males between the ages of 30 and 50 who are sexually active,” per the study.

Fortunately, in the US, the condition appears exceedingly rare, responsible for just 1 in 175,000 hospital admissions.

However, the study notes that “the true incidence is unknown” due to the “underreporting of cases.”

In 2021, a UK fellow accidentally snapped his penis lengthwise after missing the target during a disastrous session in the sack.