
DeSantis’ 2024 chances: Letters to the Editor — March 9, 2023

The Issue: The Post editorial arguing that Gov. Ron DeSantis is a better pick for 2024 than Donald Trump.

Your editorial nailed it (“Look to the Future, GOP,” March 6).

I’ve been telling my husband that if former President Donald Trump is the candidate, he’ll lose. Too many Republicans don’t want him. I’ve heard people say, “I won’t vote.” You’ve succinctly laid it all out.

What baffles our minds is how could anyone vote for President Biden (if he survives to run). What kind of country have we become? Is this what we want for our children and grandchildren? Is this the best we have?

One candidate with a major personality flaw, the other with major mental incapacity. I’m praying for a turnaround.

Sheila Kaplan

Monroe Township, NJ

Trump’s big showing over Gov. Ron DeSantis in the straw poll at CPAC (62-20) bodes a big battle ahead for any GOP presidential hopeful determined to dethrone the MAGA-king.

In my view, the only way to knock the Great Disrupter out of the picture is if a few of his rivals fearlessly step on what appears to be the third rail of this Republican presidential primary contest — namely, taking him to task for encouraging the disruption of the peaceful transfer of power on Jan. 6.

Trump can run on all his impressive domestic and foreign accomplishments, but he can’t run from trying to take a page out of Mussolini’s playbook.

James Hyland


DeSantis is getting plenty of media coverage right now, and yes, he has done good things for his home state. But the red bench is pretty deep when you look past the assumed top two.

Vivek Ramaswamy is someone who needs a serious look. He’s younger than DeSantis and, honestly, more “worldly.” Vivek understands the “kids” and most likely would be able to speak their language.

I will support whoever becomes the nominee, because four more years of Biden will most likely end this country.

James Schwartz

Summit, NJ

Although there’s a lot to like and admire about DeSantis — so much so that I look forward to having him as my future governor when I move out of this corrupt, crime-ridden cesspool and voting for him for president in 2028 — I still believe Trump is the right pick for the 2024 election.

With all the fake scandals that were designed to damage his presidency from even before his inauguration (and despite a wildly successful presidency in spite of it), we never got to see what he could have accomplished if he didn’t have to defend himself 24/7.

Eugene R. Dunn


The Issue: Jill Biden’s claim that it’s “ridiculous’’ to consider mandating mental tests for politicians over 75.

First Lady Jill Biden says that Sleepy Joe would never consider taking a mental competency test (“Jill: No mental test for Joe,” March 6).

Good move, Jill. It’s a sure thing he would fail. She brags: “Look at the man. Look what he’s doing.” That’s the problem for President Biden. We are looking, and what we see is frightening.

The man can’t even read the teleprompter, climb a set of stairs or remember where he is.

The thought of six more years of his America-last agenda is truly scary.

Walter Goldeski

East Brunswick, NJ

So Jill Biden doesn’t believe in mental acuity testing for candidates.

As Shakespeare says, “The lady doth protest too much.”

My guess is that she realizes that Joe could never pass one, and therefore she opposes it.

The fact that she is opposed to it is all the more reason that Biden should be tested.

Mindy Rader

New City

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