Food & Drink

What your dessert preference says about your personality: research

Some 37% of people say they have a bigger sweet tooth now than when they were a kid, new research found.

A recent survey of 2,000 American adults found 49% of people who identify as extroverts claim their sweet tooth has grown since childhood.

More self-reported introverts preferred chocolate desserts (46% vs. 31%), and they were also more likely to eat sweets in the morning compared to extroverts (33% vs. 15%). 

And if you’re an introvert, chances are your parents “always” or “often” let you eat desserts as a child (71%).

That may be why introverts are more likely than extroverts to order from the dessert menu when eating out (61% vs. 50%).

Some 37% of people say they have a bigger sweet tooth now than when they were a kid, new research found. SWNS

Conducted by OnePoll on behalf of Nothing Bundt Cakes for the launch of the brand’s new OREO Cookies & Cream cake, the survey also discovered how optimists and pessimists differ in their dessert preferences. 

Those with an optimistic viewpoint overwhelmingly preferred sweet over sour treats (77%), compared to 51% of pessimists. And if you tend to have a gloomy outlook, you’re more likely to go for a sour treat than someone with a sunny disposition (20% vs. 7%).

More self-reported introverts preferred chocolate desserts (46% vs. 31%). SWNS

Furthermore, a positive outlook on life may indicate a greater propensity toward cake (46% vs. 29%). Overall, 42% say cake is their favorite dessert.

Most respondents developed a greater openness toward new desserts going into adulthood, with 73% eating sweets they never tried as a kid.

Additionally, the research explored the social aspects surrounding desserts and found that 41% of those with a partner or spouse have a favorite dessert in common.

If you’re an introvert, chances are your parents “always” or “often” let you eat desserts as a child. SWNS

Seven in 10 (73%) said knowing someone’s favorite dessert indicates a certain closeness. To that end, 48% would try a dessert they don’t usually like if offered one by a close friend, and the same number said their pal would do the same.

Sharing is caring for 58% of respondents, who “always” or “often” share their desserts with someone else. 

“Whether you save a slice for someone else or have it all for yourself, our research shows 42% say cake is their favorite dessert, indicating its timelessness,” Nothing Bundt Cakes Chief Marketing Officer Angie Eckelkamp said in a statement. 

Those with an optimistic viewpoint overwhelmingly preferred sweet over sour treats (77%), compared to 51% of pessimists. SWNS

The average person polled eats about three desserts per week and has just as many different types of sweets at home.

“Cakes have long been a birthday staple, but we’ve seen cakes become the centerpiece for occasions year-round, as well as ‘just because’ or everyday treats. So, it makes sense to see cakes listed as the top vote-getter for desserts, no matter if you’re an introvert or extrovert,” Eckelkamp added.

“And while classics like strawberry, chocolate and vanilla topped the list of respondents’ favorite flavors, we were excited to see cookies and cream also featured within the top 10.” 

The study determined that if you are feeling gloomy, you are more likely to pick out a sour treat. SWNS


● Cake — 42%

● Cookies — 36%

● Pie — 34%

● Donuts — 34%

● Muffins — 33%

● Cupcakes — 32%

● Pastries — 24%

● Candies — 21%

● Brownies — 17%

● Macarons — 5%

“Whether you save a slice for someone else or have it all for yourself, our research shows 42% say cake is their favorite dessert, indicating its timelessness,” Nothing Bundt Cakes Chief Marketing Officer Angie Eckelkamp said in a statement.  SWNS
The average person polled eats about three desserts per week and has just as many different types of sweets at home. SWNS


● Strawberry — 45%

● Chocolate — 44%

● Vanilla — 43%

● Red Velvet — 27%

● Chocolate Chip — 27%

● Lemon — 26%

● Cookies & Cream — 24%

● Peppermint — 14%

● Gingerbread — 9%

● Caramel — 8%

● Carrot — 6%

● Matcha — 3%

● Funfetti — 2%

● Pumpkin — 2%