
Terrifying new video shows aftermath of bloody NYC subway shooting

Harrowing new video unsealed in court late Wednesday shows the bloody aftermath of the mass shooting that wounded 10 people on a Brooklyn subway car this past April. 

The cellphone video, recorded by a passenger, shows a blood-spattered N train car soon after gunman Frank James opened fire at the height of the morning rush hour on April 12. 

“Oh f–k, I’m bleeding a lot,” a wounded passenger wails at the beginning of the footage. 

“Was it gunshots?” the passenger who was recording the video asks. 

“Oh my God that’s a lot of blood,” the wounded passenger continues. 

The footage shows small pools of blood on the floor of the smoke-filled train car as terrified passengers moaned in pain and yelled obscenities. 

When the train pulled into the 36th Street station in Sunset Park, the straphangers rushed out of the train car onto the platform – and the man recording the video helped a wounded passenger out of the train. 

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Aftermath of the Sunset Park subway shooting.
Footage of the smoke-filled train car.DOJ
Aftermath of the Sunset Park subway shooting.
An N train car floor splattered with blood.DOJ
Aftermath of the Sunset Park subway shooting.
“Oh my God that’s a lot of blood,” a wounded passenger yells.DOJ
Aftermath of the Sunset Park subway shooting.
Straphangers rushed out of the train car and collapsed onto the platform.DOJ

Passengers who were shot collapsed onto the subway platform and blood from their wounds pooled on the floor, the video shows. 

The recording then goes dark for a number of minutes and picks back up to show passengers administering first aid to victims. 

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Aftermath of the Sunset Park subway shooting.
Frank James shot 10 people on the train.DOJ
Aftermath of the Sunset Park subway shooting.
A number of others were injured when James set off a smoke bomb on the train car.DOJ

Earlier this week, shooter Frank James, 63, pleaded guilty to terrorism charges in Brooklyn federal court and will face life in prison when he is sentenced later this year. 

James shot 10 people on the train and injured a number of others when he let off a smoke bomb on the train car seconds before he opened fire. 

Frank James, 62, leaving a subway station after his attack.
Frank James leaving a subway station after his attack on April 13, 2022. New York Police Department via AP
Frank James is walked out of the 9th Precinct station house.
Frank James pleaded guilty to terrorism charges. Alec Tabak

At his plea hearing Tuesday, the madman said he targeted the subway system to inflict pain on innocent New Yorkers. 

“My intention was to cause serious bodily injury to the people on the train,” he told Judge William Kuntz. 

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An injured person is aided by fellow commuters.
An injured person is aided by fellow commuters.Will B. Wylde via AP
Blood is seen at the 36th Street subway station.
Blood is seen on the train at the 36th Street subway station.Armen Armenian via REUTERS
Injured people waiting for aid on the platform inside the subway station of 36th Street.
Injured people waiting for aid on the platform inside the 36th Street subway station.Raymond Chiodini
Passengers flee the subway car after a smoke bomb is set off.
Passengers flee the subway car after a smoke bomb is set off.Will B. Wylde via AP

“Although it was not my intention to cause death, I was fully aware that death or deaths could occur as a result of me discharging a firearm in such an enclosed space as a subway car,” he added. 

After the shooting, James led police on a 30-hour citywide manhunt and was arrested in the East Village after calling the police on himself. 

No one was killed in the terrifying attack, but federal prosecutors said that if the case had gone to trial, they would prove James fired with intent to kill.