US News

Biden loses golf ball in US Virgin Islands

President Biden had to take a mulligan while on vacation in St. Croix this week when his golf ball went rogue — and was recovered by an 8-year-old boy after the commander in chief and Secret Service agents couldn’t  find it. 

The 80-year-old president was golfing at the Buccaneer Golf Course in Christiansted with his 16-year-old grandson Hunter when he lost his ball. 

Photos from Reuters show the duffer in chief, wearing a white polo shirt and blue hat, searching for the ball in the shrubbery — joined in the search by a pair of Secret Service agents.

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U.S. President Joe Biden plays golf with his grandson, Robert, who is known as "Hunter."
U.S. President Joe Biden plays golf with his grandson, Robert, who is known as “Hunter.”REUTERS
U.S. Secret Service counter-assault team agents protect President Joe Biden as he plays golf with his grandson.
U.S. Secret Service counter-assault team agents protect President Joe Biden as he plays golf with his grandson.REUTERS
U.S. President Joe Biden plays golf with his grandson, Robert, who is known as "Hunter."
The two went golfing at the Buccaneer Beach and Golf Resort in Christiansted, St. Croix.REUTERS
U.S. President Joe Biden plays golf with his grandson, Robert, who is known as "Hunter."
The 80-year-old president had to take a mulligan after losing a golf ball in the bushes. REUTERS

The ball was eventually scooped up that afternoon by an 8-year-old islander who was on the course with his parents.

Ellie DelGiacco, an oncologist on the island, said her son Dominick was “very excited” after spying the ball from a golf cart he was riding in with his parents.

“We were going to town to play tennis and we heard the president was playing golf that day. So we took the golf cart and as we were driving we found a golf ball on the side of the road,” DelGiacco said.

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Hotel guests look on as President Biden and a few Secret Service agents looking for the golf ball.
Hotel guests look on as President Biden and a few Secret Service agents looking for the golf ball.REUTERS
U.S. Secret Service counter-assault team agents protect President Joe Biden as he plays golf with his grandson.
U.S. Secret Service counter-assault team agents protecting President Biden and his grandson. REUTERS
President Biden received some help from Secret Service agents looking for a lost ball.
President Biden received some help from Secret Service agents looking for a lost ball.REUTERS
U.S. President Joe Biden plays golf with his grandson.
The president was seen wearing a white polo shirt and blue hat. REUTERS

Husband Mike DelGiacco said the ball was about 15 feet off the course’s first hole, noting the shot “wasn’t horrendous.”

The family said they would happily return the ball if the president wanted it back but otherwise planned to keep it as a memento. 

Biden, like many presidents before him, is a frequent golfer and often takes in a game during vacations.

After spending Christmas at the White House, Biden and his family have been vacationing in St. Croix. Biden is not scheduled to return to Washington until Jan. 2.