
Elderly couple weds where they first met — next to the mayo at the grocery store

An elderly Arizona couple decided to tie the knot where it all started — in the mayonnaise aisle at their local grocery store where they first met.

Brenda and Dennis Delgado found love while shopping for the creamy condiment in aisle 8 at the Fry’s grocery store in Casa Grande last year. So they decided to trade vows in the same place earlier this month.

“I’m 72, he’s 78 now,” Brenda told Phoenix NBC affiliate News 12. “We don’t have that many more years to do something dumb and stupid.”

Brenda was looking for a jar of Miracle Whip when her future husband approached her and made a remark about the masks they were wearing on their faces. The two immediately hit it off.

Brenda and Dennis Delgado met while discussing mayonnaise at the grocery store in August 2021. 12 News

“We both had masks on, and I say to her ‘you know the best thing about wearing a mask?” Dennis told her. “You could pass these [people] not wearing a mask, and curse them out under your breath, they don’t hear a word you’re saying,’ and she started laughing.”

The two talked for a half hour and even continued their conversation outside of the store before exchanging phone numbers. The next week, Dennis attended a service at Brenda’s church.

The two quickly bonded over their shared experience of loss. Brenda had recently lost her husband of 30 years to cancer, while Dennis had just lost his wife of 45 years.

Dennis told the outlet that the grief he felt over his wife’s death pushed him away from God before he met Brenda, but found his faith again as his heart healed while spending time with Brenda.

“I was angry at him for taking her away from me and I wanted to apologize to him,” Dennis said.

The couple decided to return to the market to tie the knot on Nov. 19. 12 News

By April, their relationship was serious enough that Dennis wanted to propose. After he told her that he was going to get her an engagement ring, she had to call him a few hours later to make sure that he wasn’t drunk, Fox 13 reported.

When she learned that he was not drunk but completely serious, she suggested he propose to her in the grocery store aisle. 

Over a year after they first met, the couple returned to the spot to wed, surrounded by friends, family and mayonnaise.

“It was my idea to get married there,” Brenda told News 12. “I’m kind of weird okay.”

“They hid me in the aisle next to the condiment aisle,” she recalled, smiling. Dennis, meanwhile, waited on the other side.

The two were surrounded by friends, family and Fry’s employees for the ceremony. 12 News

“She came around. They cued the wedding march over their loudspeakers in the store. It was wonderful,” Dennis said.

The staff of the grocery store even bought the newlyweds a custom flower arrangement complete with Miracle Whip and mayonnaise.

“You never know when you’re going to walk down the condiment aisle at Fry’s and you’re going to meet someone that you didn’t know you needed in your life,” Dennis said.