
Biden fences off Ellipse to keep Naomi Biden wedding private

The public parkland just across the street from the White House’s South Lawn was closed to visitors Saturday morning to keep prying eyes away from the private wedding of President Biden’s granddaughter Naomi.

The Ellipse, the green space between the president’s home and the Washington Monument was barred off with temporary fencing that kept the curious at least a block away from the 11:00 am ceremony.

Rows of white folding chairs could be seen on the grassy expanse just outside the executive mansion’s flower-bedecked portico before guests arrived in chilly 37-degree temperatures ahead of Naomi Biden — the daughter of scandal-plagued first son Hunter Biden — and her groom, Peter Neal.

Guests — including former Senator Chris Dodd and former President Trump’s onetime personal lawyer Michael Cohen’s daughter Samantha, who attended college with Naomi Biden — were handed hand warmers as they filed through the White House gates, the Daily Mail reported.

Temporary fences kept prying eyes from the Ellipse expanse during the ceremony. Twitter/@Emilylgoodin
President Joe Biden and wife Jill arrive at granddaughter Naomi’s wedding. AFP via Getty Images

But journalists have been banned from covering any part of the outdoor wedding ceremony, the bridal lunch to follow, or the “dessert-and-dancing” reception Saturday evening — even though all of the nuptial events are taking place in what the Bidens have frequently called “The People’s House.”

“Naomi and Peter [Neal] have asked that their wedding be closed to the media and we are respecting their wishes,” press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said Friday.

In the White House’s history, only 18 weddings have been celebrated at the president’s home — just five in the past 100 years, according to the White House Historical Association.

Guests look on as the couple, both lawyers, exchange their vows. AFP via Getty Images
Vendors prepared the spot ahead of the ceremony. REUTERS

Naomi Biden and her soon-to-be husband, both attorneys, have lived at the White House since August, CNN reported Friday.

The Biden family used a presidential motorcade Friday evening to make the 700-foot, half-block trip from the White House to the Renwick Gallery art museum, where the bridal couple hosted a rehearsal dinner.