What the Giants can offer Aaron Judge that the Yankees can’t goes beyond being close to home

Let’s start with this: Few people know what Aaron Judge wants.

Maybe his agent. Probably his parents. Most likely his wife. There is not another handful.

Members of the Yankees’ front office are not in that select group. Some of the people who know Judge the best — his now-former teammates — are not sure what to expect. DJ LeMahieu said he would be “shocked” if Judge does not return to The Bronx. Anthony Rizzo “hope[s]” Judge will be back and believes he should be baseball’s highest-paid player. Several have said they have no idea.

The Yankees can tempt Judge with fame, legacy and loyalty. A team such as the Giants — or, more precisely, a team that is the Giants — may offer a more joyful situation and present a different type of loyalty: to his family, who live in Northern California and would love a shorter commute to see him play.