Weird But True

My savage grandma has a ‘family ranking board’ — here’s why she put me in last place

Tat‘s got to hurt.

A New York man has been brutally shafted to last place on his grandmother’s “ranking board” because of his two new tattoos.

Dan LaMorte, 27, took to TikTok on Monday revealing that his unnamed nana ranks her 10 grandchildren from most to least favorite on a display set up in her living room.

“This is my grandma’s ranking board,” the grandson stated in the video — which quickly clocked up 1.6 million views on the social media app.

“She has a wooden board where she ranks the grandchildren from one to 10, all of our faces on magnets,” he further explained, with his clip showing the cutthroat classification system.

“I’m No. 4, the highest I’ve ever been, but did just get two new tattoos though, so I am a bit nervous about what that’s going to do for my ranking.”

“This is my grandma’s ranking board,” LaMorte stated in the video — which quickly clocked up 1.6 million views on the social media app. TikTok/Dan LaMorte

LaMorte was then seen approaching his no-nonsense nana before lifting up the sleeve of his t-shirt to reveal the two new inkings on his arm.

The grandmother was seen gasping in horror as she laid eyes on the large tattoos, immediately moving to the board and making a major adjustment.

“This is what I think of your new tattoos,” she declared as she pulled LaMorte’s magnet from fourth position and savagely shafted him to 10th spot.

The grandma gasped as she laid eyes on LaMorte’s two new tattoos. TikTok/Dan LaMorte

Viewers were tickled by the hilarious clip, with many taking to the comments section to ask for further information.

“Will there be a final fight to the death at the end of the year?” one humorously asked, before another chimed in: “Can you explain what the grandkids did to secure top and last spots? I’m so curious.”

However, Monday’s video isn’t the first time that LaMorte — who is a standup comedian — has taken to TikTok to discuss his grandma’s ranking board.

Shafted: LaMorte’s magnet photo is seen in the 10th spot after he was moved down the board. TikTok/Dan LaMorte

Back in March, he shared a separate clip about the board which showed him in sixth place.

He explained that his female cousin was in top position because she lived next door. Meanwhile, the second and third spots went to grandchildren who worked as a doctor and a dentist.