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Woman accidentally buys vulgar wallpaper, can you spot what she didn’t?

Aaaaah genitals. They can appear just about anywhere, especially when you least expect them.

From vaginas popping up all over a favorite dress to a trio of penises on a children’s T-shirt.

They can be hairy little things – both literally and figuratively – but one certainty in life is that once you’ve seen them, you can’t un-see them.

“What did you do, June?”

A TikToker by the name of Hazel shared a video to the platform showing the wallpaper her mother had just purchased for her kitchen wall.

She captioned the post, “What did you do, June?” and it’s since had more than 4 million views.

A TikToker by the name of Hazel shared a video to the platform showing the wallpaper her mother had just purchased for her kitchen wall. TikTok/@hazelandpoppy90

“My mom has bought questionable wallpaper,” she writes in the on-screen captions.

“Why did you buy p—y wallpaper?” Hazel asks her mum as she sits on the couch admiring her purchase.

“I didn’t realize it ’til I’d got it,” she argues.

“It looks like a vagina,” Hazel says. “Any way you look at it, it looks like a hairy vagina, Mom. You got hairy vagina kitchen wallpaper.”

Her mom replies, “I know, it’s lovely” through the urge to giggle.

She says it’s “a statement wall” and we’re wondering what sort of statement she’s trying to make.

People said the wallpaper look like something a bit x-rated. TikTok/@hazelandpoppy90
Hazel’s video racked up lots of views. TikTok/@hazelandpoppy90

Hazel tells her that she should “keep it for the sex room, not for the kitchen” and the clip ends when it sounds like her mom is clarifying that it IS for her sex room.


“Which shop is selling these?”

People had plenty of questions, starting with the most important one…

“Which shop is selling these?” commented one person who was “Asking for a friend.”

The mom didn’t initially notice what the wallpaper looked like. TikTok/@hazelandpoppy90

Another added, “The kitchen is your WHAT?!” to which someone else replied, “It’s 2022 we don’t kink shame.”

“Poor thing looks so defeated but she’s gonna go with it!” chimed in a third.

And one commenter pointed out that it’s better to notice this sort of thing before it’s fixed to the wall.

“I had flower curtains,” they said. “A few months everything was OK. One day I suddenly saw that the flowers all looked like ding dongs. I could not unsee it.”

Do you have unexpected genitals decorating your home? Share the hairy details in the comments on Facebook!