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Woman seen in same spot on Google Maps 9 years apart

A UK mom seemed to get stuck in a time warp as she showed up in the exact same spot twice on Google Street View – in photos snapped almost 10 years apart.

Leanne Sarah Cartwright is seen clutching shopping bags in her right hand as she stands near a traffic light at an intersection on Victoria Place in Carlisle.

The first snap was captured in April 2009 and the second in August 2018, according to Kennedy News and Media.

In the earlier Google Maps image, she is wearing a jacket over a white shirt and slacks, while in the second she has on a black dress with her left hand resting on her hip.

The display window of the store behind her, as well as some signs along the adjoining sidewalk, have changed in the intervening years – but everything else is remarkably similar.

Leanne Sarah Cartwright is seen in a Google Maps image on Victoria Place in Carlisle in 2009. Kennedy News/Google Maps
She appeared in the exact same spot — wearing a different outfit — in August 2018. Kennedy News/Google Maps
“I could be the only person in the world who they’ve caught in exactly the same place almost a decade later,” Cartwright said.

Cartwright shared the “bonkers” images on Facebook earlier this month and wrote that she has been compared to a “time traveler” because of the “one-in-a-billion coincidence.”

The 41-year-old civil servant and mom of one said: “It’s like I’m frozen in time.”

“I’m standing on exactly the same paving slab and I’ve still got a bag on my shoulder. It’s so funny but so bizarre,” she said. “I could be the only person in the world who they’ve caught in exactly the same place almost a decade later.”

Cartwright shared the weird coincidence in a post on Facebook. Kennedy News and Media

The woman said her hubby, Richard, stumbled upon the latest image while he was looking for the one from 2009 that he had planned to send her, according to the new outlet.

“We told everyone at work and they found it funny. I thought I’d put it on Facebook because I don’t know anyone else it’s happened to,” she said.

Lightning didn’t strike a third time, though. Cartwright didn’t show up in the latest Google Street View shot in September 2020 because she was working remotely during the pandemic.