Sex & Relationships

Divorcée-turned-sugar mama spoils her boy toy with lavish cars and cash

This sugar mama has no husband and lots of money to spend.

Californian Kara Miller, 36, loves to spoil her boy toy, Daniel, 27, with lavish gifts and often shares the shopping bags — and crazy price tags — with her 10,000 Instagram followers, according to Jam Press.

In one video, Daniel declares he wants some Balenciaga tennis shoes, which Miller fully supports without hesitation.

The duo first met on Bumble in July 2019, three months after Miller divorced her husband of four years.

When they first got together, Miller would give Daniel a weekly allowance of just $40, but has since raised the bar.

Now, Miller, who is a clinical psychology student, lends Daniel anywhere from $500 to $1,000 a week.

She even writes up a contract which is “revised yearly” and “lists his weekly allowance,” including terms and conditions.

Kara Miller is divorced and now spends her time and money with her sugar baby Daniel. Jam Press/@officialsugarmamakara

“I love taking care of men,” Miller, who also works with people with special needs, told

“I have always done it, even in my marriage and after,” she explained. “After my separation and divorce, I took on a man who became my sugar baby [not Daniel]. I did everything for him.”

“I gave him a lot of money and bought him necessities like alcohol and cigarettes and even paid for tickets he got,” Miller stated.

Miller and Daniel met on Bumble in 2019. Jam Press/@officialsugarmamakara

Miller brings in roughly $6,000 a month with many sources of income, including working “very hard” on social media to keep Daniel happy, according to Jam Press. Her Instagram account notes that she is on OnlyFans.

Nowadays, she provides her man with “cars, designers, expensive food, and trips” but he mostly prefers cash.

“I don’t really buy Daniel any luxurious items [anymore] because he refuses — he would rather have the money,” she revealed. “I’m OK with that because I know he’s happier that way.”

But not everyone understands the pair’s agreement.

Kara Miller, 36, is a clinical psychology student and works with people with special needs. She is also on OnlyFans. Jam Press/@officialsugarmamakara
Miller shows off the pair’s shopping sprees on Instagram. Jam Press/@officialsugarmamakara

“People will judge me for who I am but I honestly don’t really care anymore,” Miller said. “I am trying to show that women are perfectly capable of taking care of men.

“They either accept it or they don’t. I honestly only really listen to the people who support me.”