The most destructive ingredients of the Yankees’ troubling decline from early-season juggernaut

On July 8, the Yankees beat the Red Sox to go a season-high 15 ½ games up in the AL East and 38 games over .500. They could seemingly do no wrong. They were poised to run away with the division and perhaps make a run at a historically good record.

Since that game at Fenway Park, the Yankees have gone 12-23 following Thursday night’s lackluster loss to the Blue Jays and their lead in the AL East has been trimmed to single digits while failing to generate a spark around some curious moves at the trade deadline. The swoon has left some observers wondering whether the Yankees are in the midst of a colossal collapse.

So what’s gone wrong since the halfway point of the season? Let’s trace what has happened since that pivotal July 8 game:

Lineup woes