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City councilman calls for collapsed carriage horse to go to sanctuary

New York City councilman Robert Holden called for the carriage horse that collapsed in Manhattan to be placed in an animal sanctuary.

Ryder, a 14-year-old carriage horse, collapsed on West 38th Street Wednesday. Viral video showed the animal lying in the middle of the roadway in Hell’s Kitchen as his driver whipped him and repeatedly demanded the exhausted animal “get up.”

Holden, who is also pushing for a ban on horse drawn carriages in the city, called on the horse’s owner, Ian McKeever, to let the animal be put to pasture.

“The multiple videos of Ryder collapsing on a hot day in Hell’s Kitchen that have gone viral shocked the entire world and only proved what we all knew about the torturous conditions that carriage horses endure daily in New York City,” said Holden. “Ryder joins a long list of horses who have collapsed or died on our city’s streets. I thank the animal advocacy groups and the thousands of concerned citizens for elevating this horrible story.”

The exhausted, skinny horse was eventually assisted by authorities.
The exhausted, skinny horse was eventually assisted by authorities.
Councilman Robert Holden is also pushing for a ban on carriage horses.
Councilman Robert Holden is also pushing for a ban on carriage horses. Helayne Seidman

“We look forward to hearing from Ian McKeever that he truly cares for his horse and is willing to let Ryder retire at a sanctuary,” he added.

Holden has also asked Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg to investigate possible carriage horse cruelty across the city.

Animal advocates have said they already have a retirement sanctuary lined up for the horse should McKeever allow it.

A veterinary inspection confirmed Ryder had been suffering from Equine Protozoal Myeloencephalitis, a neurological disease caused from possum droppings. He is recuperating at West Side Livery Stables on West 38th Street.