US News

Top Biden aide Anita Dunn reveals conflicts of interest in multi-million dollar fortune

President Biden’s senior adviser, Anita Dunn, has revealed a vast investment fortune worth up to $48 million — as well as a series of conflicts of interest.

Mandatory ethics disclosure forms made public this week shed light on Dunn’s finances after the longtime Democratic operative left the White House last year following a prior short stint — in what was widely seen as a way to avoid making the reports.

Dunn and her husband, attorney Bob Bauer, hold between $16.8 million and $48.2 million in investments, according to papers released by the US Office of Government Ethics.

The couple’s sprawling portfolio includes a vast array of companies regulated by or working with the federal government — from banks, Big Tech and energy companies to drugmakers and arms contractors.

Anita Dunn (left) exited the White House last year after a brief advisory stint. Getty Images

Firms in which the couple hold a financial stake include Amazon, Apple, Bank of America, Boeing, Cisco, Comcast, ConocoPhillips, Exxon, Facebook, General Dynamics, General Motors, Google, Halliburton, Johnson & Johnson, Lockheed Martin, Oracle, Phillip Morris, Tesla and Wells Fargo.

The Dunns also hold a stake worth between $1 million and $5 million in marketing firm Stagwell Inc, which in 2015 bought Democrat-affiliated campaign contractor SKDKnickerbocker, where Dunn worked as managing director.

White House spokesman Chris Meagher told CNBC that Dunn “will need to divest her holdings and is recused from all matters involving SKDK and her past clients” — meaning Dunn won’t be able to partake in much of the decision-making involving either the private sector or Democratic politics, since SKDK’s client list includes Biden himself and scores of governors, as well as House and Senate members.

Dunn and her husband Bob Bauer (above) hold between $16.8 million and $48.2 million in investments. NBCU Photo Bank/NBCUniversal via

The outlet also reported, citing Meagher, that Dunn, who has helped steer West Wing public relations efforts, also “won’t be able to attend any meetings involving [the companies and clients] for two years, pursuant to the Biden-Harris ethics pledge.”

SKDK paid Dunn about $740,000 in salary over the reporting period, which covered more than two years, the forms said.

The couple’s portfolio includes several companies regulated by or working with the federal government. The Washington Post via Getty Im

Bauer, Dunn’s husband, previously worked as White House counsel to Barack Obama from 2009 to 2011 and served as co-chair of Obama’s Presidential Commission on Election Administration.

Last year, Bauer served as co-chair of Biden’s Presidential Commission on the Supreme Court, which evaluated whether to expand the size of the nine-justice bench or impose term limits.