Adam B. Coleman

Adam B. Coleman


Elitist George Soros is making life worse for black Americans

There is a thin line between philanthropy and malevolence. In recent years, that line has become purposefully smudged like a hand on a chalkboard.

Often notable philanthropists marry themselves to their ideological framework and refuse to accept that their belief system hurts more people than helping. Or, in the case of George Soros’ so-called philanthropy, hurts the innocent and benefits the predators in our society.

On Sunday, George Soros wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal detailing his deep concern for the American Justice system and his fight to correct the injustices that he believes our system creates.

On the surface, Soros is not entirely wrong about the disparities in incarceration between black and white people and even the possibility of having better responses to preventing crime — such as focusing on education and youth programs.

The problem is that much of Soros’ reasoning for advocacy digs no deeper than the surface. Disparities do not automatically equal discrimination, yet that is the center of Soros’ argument. He doesn’t want to get into the reasons behind the disparities.

Soros will never talk to you about the links between criminality and fatherlessness because the solution to fatherlessness wouldn’t involve the government and can’t be bought by a billionaire elitist. Soros will continue to use poverty as an excuse for overall criminality while overshadowing the moral aspect of crime.

Police respond to a shooting in Brooklyn.
Soros claims crime is linked to poverty. Gregory P. Mango

Soros’ empathy is not for the law-abiding or even for black people; this is all a façade. Progressives like Soros will always make criminality a black issue when it is overwhelmingly a black criminal issue.

The majority of black Americans have never been arrested or incarcerated and are middle-class, yet they will always paint this disparity as a concern for all black Americans. They will always use our image to meet whatever ideological objective they seek; we are the American political football after all.

George Soros spends millions to make communities less safe, and never has to suffer the consequences — because he doesn’t live there. That’s the epitome of elitism.

As much as he bemoans the injustices that may exist in our criminal system, what about the injustices he’s manufacturing by financing lax district attorneys nationwide? Who gets to hold Soros accountable? Soros gets to use the word “injustice” like a bumper sticker slogan, but real justice takes into account the people who were victimized as well.

Every crime has a victim, yet Soros wants to reframe what a crime is and the severity of it. For every criminal who gets a soft sentence, it creates a victim who no longer believes their voice matters.

Big philanthropy operates on the belief that their money plus their ideology equals permission to influence the rest of us. They’ve become used to being praised for shelling out tax-write-off checks for sacrificing a million of their billions.

Elitists like Soros believe they know better, that they are society’s saviors. However, to remain saviors, they need victims, and we will always be victimized by them.

Adam B. Coleman is the author of “Black Victim to Black Victor” and founder of Wrong Speak Publishing.