
Woman finds 18 scorpions in her suitcase after vacationing in Croatia

It was a lot to unpack.

A woman in Austria returned from vacation in Croatia to find 18 scorpions in her suitcase, authorities in her home country said.

The woman from Natternbach, which is about an hour west of Linz, notified local animal control, who took the scorpions and plan to return them to their native Croatia, an animal control staffer told Upper Austria News.

The stingers “could probably multiply well” in Austria “but they don’t belong here,” the staffer said.

Local animal control plans to return the scorpions to Croatia. Tierhilfe Gusental/Newsflash

Rescues of Croatian scorpions are not uncommon in Upper Austria, the Mirror said

On June 30, a woman in Linz, the capital, found one of the creatures in her apartment, also after visiting Croatia.