Sex & Relationships

The zodiac signs destined for more sex under the Jupiter 2022 retrograde

Let’s talk about sex baby…. oh and Jupiter in retrograde too of course.

Jupiter, planet of fortune, luck and popped champagne corks stations retrograde from July 28 to November 24, 2022. The onset of this retrograde coincides with a new moon in magnanimous Leo.

Retrograde is understandably a trigger word for anyone that has accidentally sexted the office Slack during Mercury retrograde or lost on love when Venus was backspinning.

But, take heed my babies, all retrogrades are meant to push us towards resolution and evolution and Jupiter does so in subtler ways that can mean more sex and personal satisfaction. Can you dig it?

What is Jupiter retrograde?

Astrologically speaking, retrogrades signal a time of introspection related to the nature of the planet that is retrograding. Associated with abundance, good fortune and the search for truth, knowledge and spiritual enlightenment, if Jupiter were a person it would be Jeff Bridges in, “The Men Who Stare at Goats.” When the planet goes into retrograde we are called to sew those seeds and direct that seeking inward as opportunities for personal growth become clear.

Jupiter is considered an outer planet so its effect on day to day life is less intensely felt than inner planets like Venus and Mercury. Jupiter’s pull is more closely related to broad life themes and assessment of how, where and why we invest our energies. Jupiter spends roughly one year in each signs and spends about four months of that cycle in retrograde

The intimate and the erotic are on the forefront for Virgos during this retrograde. Getty Images

What are the effects of Jupiter retrograde 2022?

Jupiter begins its retrograde in the energetic, impatient sign of Aries and ends in empathetic, cries at sunrises sign of Pisces. Aries is the sign that jumps in and gets it done but this retrograde asks what the the ends of those efforts really entail. A retrograde wrap up in Pisces urges compassion and acceptance both of ourselves, the circumstances we have created and all we have yet to become. As with all retrogrades, the effect of this one will be felt most acutely in the beginning and end of the transit. Jupiter joins Neptune, Saturn, Chiron and Pluto, all of which are retrograde right now.

Because Jupiter is known as the “great benefic,” the celestial body that rains down blessings and boons, it’s retrograde often brings with it the possibility of making good on missed chances and the opportunity to truly assess the endeavors we are attached to. If the ROI doesn’t include cash money, delirious joy, hallowed truth, steady orgasms or personal advancement then it’s “trash, trash, trash, not for you.”

Jupiter is the planet of expansion and enlightenment. Getty Images/EyeEm

Read on to learn more about what this retrograde means for your sign, loins, relationships and endeavors. Read for your sun and rising sign.

ARIES (March 21 – April 19)

You react to others and revolutionize yourself at a faster pace than any other sign in the zodiac, Aries. Yet, this retrograde, which begins in your sign, is here to teach you that taking a step back and a second to consider will ensure that how you respond and who you are becoming are a reflection of your best intentions rather than your baser impulses.

TAURUS (April 20 – May 20)

There’s a difference between shutting down and turning inward, Taurus. This retrograde wants you to be ruthless about your solitude and unapologetic in your withdrawal from the world. When you emerge in the melted ice cream and pastel afterbirth of Jupiter going direct in Pisces, you will do so with a clearer sense of who you are and with whom you want to tango.

Curating community is at the epicenter of the Gemini experience during this retrograde. Getty Images

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20)

You are the company you keep, Gemini and this retrograde is a chance to reevaluate who you spend time with and consequently, who you are shaped by. Make your community aspirational and surround yourself not only with those that you like but with those you want to be like.

CANCER (June 21 – July 22)

Success is not the struggle for you, Cancer, it is defining what it means to win. This retrograde, consider your relationship with goals and expectations and for the love of god give yourself permission to enjoy your victories, both great and small, before saddling yourself with the next challenge.

LEO (July 23 – August 22)

What feeds you and where do you feel full, Leo? This retrograde asks you to reevaluate the role place and play hold in your life. If you had to build a home for your inner child, where would it be and what color would you paint the front door? To find your ultimate destination, you may have to press far beyond your former frontiers.

If Jupiter were a person it would be Jeff Bridges’s character in “The Men Who Stare at Goats.” Laura Macgruder

VIRGO (August 23 – September 22)

Jupiter is retrograding through your eighth house of sex. death and regeneration heralding that it’s time for you to explore the boundaries of physical intimacy and emotional communion. Skin is a map, sex is medicine, orgasms are prayers and your mantra for this retrograde is “trust in lust.”

LIBRA (September 23 – October 22)

What bad habit, stubborn pattern, toxic hookup or otherwise dicey practice has been keeping you out of whack as of late? This retrograde emphasizes the mind body connection and urges you to purify, this goes for relationships, too. All the good good you pour into partnerships will be better spilled into your self.

SCORPIO (October 23 – November 21)

This retrograde the focus is on your intimate relationships. Love should be free, Scorpio, never to be lorded or hoarded. Are you giving and receiving in equal measure? It’s not about keeping score but rather ensuring that you get all that you so richly deserve and are also able to freely give the riches of yourself.

Jupiter retrograde asks Scorpios to consider whether their intensity in emotional commitment and counter make outs is being matched. Getty Images

SAGITTARIUS (November 22 – December 21)

Is being seen by the world more important than being known to yourself, Sagittarius? Jupiter is your planetary ruler and this transit encourages you to dig deep into what you project and consider whether that image is in line with the person you want to be. Who cares about likes when you don’t like what you see.

CAPRICORN (December 22 – January 19)

Your root systems are highlighted during this retrograde, Capricorn. You need no reminding to get your work done and your sights set but now is the time to siphon some of that industrious energy into your family life. Do you want to be remembered for what you made or what you gave?

Astrology 101: Your guide to the star

AQUARIUS (January 20 – February 18)

Your spaciness is part of your loveliness water bearer but this retrograde is an invitation to show up. Finish the books you start, keep the plans you make and don’t look at your phone when you could be making eye contact. You are a brilliant resource, Aquarius, it would be a selfish shame not to share.

PISCES (February 19 – March 20)

The more you people please Pisces, the more you lose sight of your own wants. Do not wave at your desires from a distant shore while folding someone else’s laundry. Cut the s**t and cut loose anyone that would rather take what you have than see you get what you need.

Jupiter retrograde is a time to look within and assess our efforts and end games. Getty Images/EyeEm

Astrologer Reda Wigle researches and irreverently reports back on planetary configurations and their effect on each zodiac sign. Her horoscopes integrate history, poetry, pop culture and personal experience. She is also an accomplished writer who has profiled a variety of artists and performers, as well as extensively chronicled her experiences while traveling. Among the many intriguing topics she has tackled are cemetery etiquette, her love for dive bars, Cuban Airbnbs, a “girls guide” to strip clubs and the “weirdest” foods available abroad.