
Prepare to live out loud and express yourself when Mercury enters Leo

Prepare to roar!

Mercury, the planet of the mind and communication, will spin like a fire dancer in the center of the ring as he parades into the kingdom of Leo. This will begin on July 19 and last until August 3, 2022.

With Mercury in Leo, we will crave to express ourselves as vividly and boldly as possible. However, this could just as well make us much more dramatic!

We will feel more uplifted and exuberant. Mercury, the planet of the mind, is a logical, communicative, and fast-moving planet, which means that when it is in a Fire sign, it can function especially brightly. All of our communication, words and ideas will spark just as wind takes flame to create a wildfire.

We will feel grand and flamboyant during this time, eager to announce ourselves, our opinions, and our egos to the world. We will possess great mental confidence to express ourselves more theatrically, persuasively and passionately than any other time of the year. During Mercury’s flight through Leo, promoting oneself and delivering bold declarations at maximum volume will empower your ability to manifest what you wish.

Mercury in Leo will fire up your mind! Getty Images

Keep in mind that being public with news will bring great attention—for good or for worse. Proof and facts are less important during this time because impressive words, visuals and theatrics will hold more power. This will affect us both personally and professionally. Use this energy to bring more entertainment, laughter and high levels of energy into your life. Remember to share your light with the world.

Read how your zodiac sign will be affected here!

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Prepare to be completely focused on passion, pleasure, art and beauty, Aries! In fact, as the cosmic messenger ignites your sector of true love, dating and creativity, you’ll be bursting at the seams to express yourself. This is an excellent time to use your words for seduction or drum up visionary artistic ideas.


Get ready for your mind to be focused on home, domestic and family matters, Taurus. For the coming weeks, you’ll be plotting out how you can stand on more stable ground and how you’d like to build your life going forward. If you need to have a heart-to-heart with your kindred, now could be a great time. Sign real estate contracts now.


Hopefully you have some vacation time planned, Gemini, because the coming weeks will give you an opportunity to head out on a road trip or book a short-distance trip. Step out of your comfort zone and have some fun! For those that are stuck at home on the grind, you may instead begin working on a milestone writing, speaking or communications-related project.

Mercury in Leo will enhance creative and artistic abilities. Getty Images


It’s time to balance your budget, Cancer. As Mercury jazzes up your financial sector, you can see the minute details of your income and expense. This could be a great moment to talk to an accountant or to begin a savings account or plan.


As mental Mercury shoots off fireworks from within your zodiac sign, you’ll be feeling on top of the world, Leo. This will give you unmatched cognitive precision and persuasive power. Use this highly intellectual energy to map out strategies in every area of your life.


Grab your vision board or dream journal, Virgo. As your planetary ruler dances through the coals of your unconscious world, your intuition will be on fire. Be sure to listen to your gut instincts, hunches and dreams. They’re speaking to you directly.

Mercury in Leo will bring you inspiration. Getty Images/Image Source


Don’t focus too much on work in the weeks ahead, Libra, it’s time for fun and games! As Mercury gets fired up in your social sector, you’re likely to see many exciting adventures and events lie ahead. Now is an excellent moment to network—or if single, try your hand at online dating.


Dust off your resume and portfolio, Scorpio, it’s time to consider how you can rise higher in your career. With Mercury bringing fire to your ambitions, you are likely to be considering long-term goals and your next big milestones. Apply for a competitive firm or pitch ideas to VIPs.


Set sail into fiery, exhilarating new horizons, Sagittarius. As Mercury gets moving through your expansion zone, you’ll have an excellent moment to plan long-distance travel—or soar in vast new directions. Another way this could give you an edge, though, is around academic, media or legal projects, instead.

Mercury in Leo will help you to express yourself. Getty Images


Now is the perfect time to assess your investments, assets and big money matters, Capricorn. In fact, you could even be negotiating, renegotiating or signing contracts around them. If looking to apply for a new credit line or for venture capital, do so now.


You’ll have a winning edge when it comes to communicating eye-to-eye with others, Aquarius. In fact, you could be negotiating a partnership at this time. If you’d like to make long-term plans personally or professionally with a team player, you’re in luck now.


Get ready for a surge of momentum in your daily life, Pisces. In fact, you’re likely to be busier than ever! New projects or responsibilities could be crossing your desk on the job or you may even be considering adding a new side-hustle. Another way this could affect you is by turning your attention to your health, fitness and diet.

Astrology 101: Your guide to the stars

Kyle Thomas is a globally recognized pop culture astrologer who has been featured in “Access Hollywood,” E! Entertainment, NBC & ABC television, Cosmopolitan Magazine, Hulu, Bustle, Elite Daily, Marie Claire and more. He is known for his cosmic guidance for celebrities, business executives and prominent influencers. His work harnesses the power of the stars in regards to entertainment lifestyle and trends affecting people worldwide. For more information, visit