Cindy Adams

Cindy Adams


Who needs greek life when you can pledge the Rush Limbaugh house?

Pledging the Rush house?

The late Rush Limbaugh’s Palm Beach, Fla., home is for sale — $150 to $175 million. The price big time. So’s the property. I’ve been in it — with my late Yorkie Jazzy Jr. and still current housekeeper. It’s huge. Magnificent. Four acres of ocean. Manicured gardens. Olympic pool. His own putting green, gym, kiddie playroom. Nice.

A compound of five buildings — one just for his help. The main shack housing him and his cat — 24,000 square feet. Encircled with a brass banister, its large second floor overlooked an open first floor.

Parked outside — his Escalade. Schlepping me down — his G-4 with chateaubriand onboard. At home he offered champagne. We said no. He said, “How about a selection of fine wines?” Uh-uh. Canapes like the kind at $500,000 bar mitzvahs? No. We wanted ginger ale.

Summoned by a buzzer, a staffer in crisp black pants and white top announced: “We’re out of ginger ale.”

May the next owner have a live-in shopper. 

Rush Limbaugh house
The home is on sale for $175 million. Rick Gomez

The art of ‘Possible’

THE very out Billy Porter: “I was told for decades my ‘queerness’ was a liability. Twenty years ago I chose to be myself. It’s now my superpower.

“I chose authenticity when that was not popular. Easy to be who you are when what you are is popular. But these days holding the world accountable is what we get to do as artists. Today’s different than when I came out. I’d say authenticity’s the reason for my success.”

Billy Porter
Billy Porter attends “Anything’s Possible” screening during the 2022 Outfest Los Angeles LGBTQ+ Film Festival. Getty Images/Matt Winkelmeyer

He’s directed “Anything’s Possible,” Amazon Prime’s new film of a girl who’s trans. It’s supposedly a breakthrough in romantic comedy.

Rights way

FIRST Amendment protects privacy of one’s beliefs. James Madison, Father of our Constitution, endorsed the Ten Amendments whose Bill of Rights prevented diminishing any rights our founders thought needed protection.

Per 1965’s Griswold v. Connecticut, prohibiting “any drug, medicinal article or instrument for preventing conception” was ruled unconstitutional and violated “rights to marital privacy.” 1972’s Eisenstadt v. Baird held that contraceptive foam could not be considered a criminal act. Wrote Justice Brennan: “The individual, married or single, [is] free from unwarranted governmental intrusion into matters . . . affecting . . . whether to bear or beget a child.”

Ninth Amendment: “Enumeration . . . of certain rights, shall not be construed to deny or disparage others retained by the people.”

Overturning Roe and Casey is not because there lacks constitutionally protected right to privacy. 

No can do

A FASHIONISTA recouping from coronavirus on the Italian Riviera:

“Staying supposedly in best most expensive hotel. A joke! A dump. Threadbare towels, tiniest rooms, bathroom barely accommodates one person. Lunch? Salad Nicoise with canned tuna, canned anchovies and potatoes. Awful and cost $103. In olden days the hotel. Clark Gable, Elizabeth Taylor, Lana Turner, etc. Today, seedy. And owned by a famous fashion company!

“I should’ve remained home and had dinner at Canaletto.”

RIGHT. Only stay in New York, kids, only stay in New York.